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Bryan Singer Teases X-Men: Apocalypse

With X-Men: Days of Future Past now firmly behind us, we can look forward to what Fox has in store for the next film in the X-Men franchise– namely, X-Men: Apocalypse.

Director Bryan Singer has been officially attached to direct the next instalment making this his fourth foray into the X-Men universe. Fox president of production Emma Watts confirmed his involvement saying:

Right now we are totally at the outlining phase, but nothing would make me happier than if it all worked out. It's always been the intention for him to do it.

Now Singer has taken to posting the following image to Instagram teasing the treatment for the next film:

What Can We Glean from this Image?

Obviously, not much from an Instagrammed image showing a partial page at an angle… but there are a few bits of information we can extract. The first is that the script has yet to be written, all we have is the treatment so far dated June 6th.

Who is writing it is far more interesting. The treatment was written by Singer and Days of Future Past screenwriter Simon Kinberg but joining them is X2: X-Men United writers Dan Harris and Michael Dougherty which many consider the best of the X-Men films. But don’t go jumping for joy yet, just because Dougherty and Harris are working on the treatment, doesn’t mean they have scriptwriting duties as well.

As for the story itself, very little can be squeezed out of the few words we see on the page but what we can see is pretty exciting! The film looks to start off in the ancient past with En Sabah Nur (aka Apocalypse) in battle around the Nile. The other characters who will make an appearance here is the first incarnation of the Four Horsemen who are his personal guard.

There have been many characters who have been part of the Four Horsemen over the years and the inclusion of them here signifies that some of the X-Men we know and love may be turned into members of the Four Horsemen. Both Wolverine and Gambit have been Horsemen and both have taken on the moniker of Death — and Channing Tatum will be making his X-Men debut as Gambit so I think it could be a coin toss as to which of them ends up being a member of Apocalypse’s personal guard… or both of them could be.

Since the start of this film will be taking place in ancient times, I wonder if they’ll be bringing back Brendan Pedder who played a young Apocalypse in the post credit scene for Days of Future Past. Odds are however, the opening battle in X-Men: Apocalypse will take place years after he built the pyramids meaning that whoever they get to play Apocalypse will be an adult and will play the role throughout the film.

X-Men: Apocalypse will be in theaters May 27, 2016.

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