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dion hitchings

UserName: dionhitchings City: Milford State: NJ Followers: (0)
i was born in saint louis, missouri. my mother found out she was pregnant with me two weeks after my father’s funeral. she always told me she found me under a rock. took up drawing at age 3 and never put the crayons down. i never considered myself to fit in the “normal” world, so i looked to leave the midwest asap. i went to washington university in saint louis, graduated and luckily landed one of the only art related jobs in saint louis as a fashion illustrator which led to art directing fashion advertising. i also met the person who would be my significant other for the next 23 years moved to chicago as an art director, first at evan’s furs then at marshall fields, but never stopped drawing. then i moved to nyc as art director at bloomingdale’s, which i did for the next few years, then freelanced; worked at conde naste, avon, saks fifth avenue and aerosoles. tired of city living moved to hunterdon county in new jersey, where i purchased my first home. but things changed within a 4 year period. i lost my bf to a car accident. lived through 911. and was laid off. my priorities changed and what was important shifted. so i put the pieces back together, got a new job, met someone new and after a trip to kentuck festival of arts in alabama. i realized i needed to draw again and try to fulfill my dream to be a full time artist.