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Carlos Cordova

UserName: CarlosCordova City: Ventura State: CA Followers: (1)
Artist Bio Carlos Córdova lives and works in Ventura, CA and was born in Northern CA. Córdova has been involved in art and design since the age of seventeen. Upon graduating college he knew he wanted to devote his life to pursuing art in some form or fashion. He received his Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree from the University of California at Santa Barbara and California State University Northridge. In 1982 Córdova moved to New York City to begin a career in Graphic Design. He is a current member of Studio Channel Islands in Camarillo, CA. The inspiration for his work is derived from multiple sources. American culture, religion and personal experiences. People inspire his work, that is why he chooses to use the figure as his subject matter. The technique he has developed over the years stems from his work as a graphic designer. His influences are varied and have come from many sources including design, literature and music to name a few. Córdova’s mission as an artist is to share his artistic vision and insight and expose his art work to as many people as possible.
