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Keirsten Hile

UserName: BreathingColors City: Uniontown State: PA Followers: (1)
In high school, I had a phenomenal art teacher who was willing to sit down with me and teach me how to blend paint. Every time he asked the class to do a new project, I wanted to do another painting instead. He was extremely gracious in helping me foster my painting ability. Though I did graduate from college, I didn't go for art. That being said, I want to learn more techniques and am appreciative of this community of well trained artists that I somehow found myself in. (Grumbacher's art instructor at Michael's). Now, I make paintings in exchange for (filled) shoe boxes for Samaritan's Purse. I mostly learn by trial and error (and watching Bob Ross recordings on Netflix). I am considering going back to school for marketing because I love design and igniting people's memories with artwork.
