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Zainub Mawaz-Khan

UserName: zmawaz City: Guelph State: Ontario Followers: (0)


Hello there! As an academic, art educationist and trainer, I aspire to inspire. With a gold medal, art degrees and certifications, training in art and creative practices I offer to enhance the benefits of excursions of the mind and aim to enhance the experience of travelling within the realms of imaginations, delivering workshops with art therapy drawing and painting instruction. I achieve this by infusing meditative and cognitive behavioral teaching practices into the understanding of art skills through exploration of linkages between interdisciplinary theoretical and conceptual theories which I plan into the lessons for deeper understanding of why we make things the way we do. The magic of the unconscious spirit of the creative lives within us all. All you have to do is enter the artists mindset. Bon Voyage my future creative thinker!