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Fernando Godina

UserName: FernandoGodina City: Salt Lake City State: UT Followers: (0)


I have drawn since I was two years old. I would draw animations from movies created by "Walt Disney" in a sketchbook. I would draw the characters. The one thing I wanted to learn to draw was the figure. I developed my skills by studying online from the "Academy Art University" in San Francisco as an online student. In 2016 I graduated from Salt Lake Community College, receiving a degree in "Fine Arts" and majoring in visual art and design. I'm currently attending a online program called "Watts Atelier" located in Encinitas California. I like to draw portraits, figures and landscapes. With portrait drawing I focus on the eyes, expressions on face, hairstyles and skin tones, poses and gestures of the body, and lastly atmosphere around the figure. With landscape painting I focus on moving water, sunsets, lighting and different trees. I solely work with photographs because I like to change and express it my own way, but still keep it realistic and surreal. My work consists of modeling sessions, photography on the side, design concepts, graphic design and creating different stories with my artwork.