"Wait for me. Wait for me and I will return." Thus begins an extraordinary film that began a few years ago when a friend of filmmaker Ross Kauffman casually mentioned in conversation the disappearance of a brother several decades years earlier. Kauffman became intrigued with the "Into Thin Air"-style story of John, a young man who set off on a bicycle trip through Europe and eventually to India to find himself - and was never heard from again. Alternating among John's loving mother describing her son and his journey, her voiceover as she reads aloud from his letters to her during his trip, and home movies of John, first as a child with an adorable smile and later as a young man, Kauffman depicts a life's search for meaning. With heartbreaking sensitivity, he allows John's mother to tell the story that only a mother could tell, and to explain how 22 years later, she has followed her son's written plea to continue to wait for him.