A Kayaker successfully maneuvers his craft through the fast, turbulent waters of the Feather River in Northern California. Whirlpools, waterfalls and deep narrow chutes among giant boulders make for any exciting river run in the Sierra Nevada Mountains. © 2018 ; Art Style; photojournalism; Tags: kayak, kayaks, kayaking, kayaker, kayakers, rapids, white water, skill, kayaking, water sports, danger, white water river, white water kayaking, frank wilson, river, rivers, white water rivers, white water boating, paddeling, feather river, california rivers, fast water, fast waters, boat, boats, boating, white water boating, white water rapids, kayaker boating, kayaker in rapids, whirlpools, chutes, boiling rapids, remote rivers, wilderness, scenic river, scenic rivers; Media: photography; Materials: Photography. Original ID: Zc-U7JhiFuNKWB-n