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Frank Wilson

city: Paradise State: CA Post Date: Nov 1, 2012 Followers: (2)

My Gallery — "Through The Chute"



Through The Chute

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A solo kayaker steers his craft through fast turbulent waters in the Feather River in Northern California. The kayaker skillfully steered his boat around whirlpools and through deep narrow chutes among giant boulders. © 2018 ; Art Style; photojournalism; Tags: extreme sports, kayak, kayaks, kayaking, kayaker, kayakers, rapids, white water, skill, kayaking, water sports, danger, white water river, white water kayaking, frank wilson, river, rivers, white water rivers, white water boating, paddeling, feather river, california rivers, fast water, fast waters, boat, boats, boating, white water boating, white water rapids, kayaker boating, kayaker in rapids, whirlpools, chutes, boiling rapids, remote rivers, wilderness, scenic rivers; Media: photography; Materials: Photography. Original ID: kX6Umjos69K6HHGw

Nov 1, 2012


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