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Teri Brown

UserName: TeriBrown City: Colorado Springs State: CO Followers: (6)
Teri Atkins Brown is a professional artist and photographer from the Smoky Mtns now residing in the Rocky Mtns of Colorado. She teaches acrylic, watercolor and photoshop, creates in seven mediums and serves as the President of the Colorado Springs Art Guild. Serving her community with kids programs, senior classes, and sexual abuse survivor art programs she networks with hundreds of artists and photographers in the Pikes Peak region. Her downtown studio at Cottonwood Ctr for the Arts provides constant contact with many galleries and provides opportunities for her many group awards and solo shows in Colorado. She has won over 130 awards and honors and been juried into over 250 art shows. Her artworks are in private and corporate collections throughout the United States. Printed works available from her Fine Art America store: http://arthaven-studios/ or visit her website at

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