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Deidre Trudeau

UserName: Artfuli City: Roseville State: CA Followers: (3)
Deidre, owner of both 'Brush of Creativity' & 'Ezeeye Graphic Design' has enjoyed an award-winning career in both applied and fine arts, enjoys diversity in mediums and styles from watercolor, mixed mediums, acrylic, decoupage, inks and more. She has dedicated a tremendous amount of time to fine art communities in her region. She is excited to announce Announcing Deidre Trudeau's custom Lesson Plan 'Blue-Agave' was accepted and is now licensed into the official Grumbacher Art Education system for all certified instructors. And is currently working on a profound project that helps connect experience where contemplative art & spirituality meet in an effort to help students/seekers explore their unique creative expression. Deidre Trudeau has had the esteemed pleasure of living in and serving the greater Sacramento and Placer County regions for 25 years in a vast number of categories; among which include the support of many women's organizations in charitable, entrepreneurial and professional venues. She has been dedicated to the advancement of women's success in her region as well. She is the co-founder of Women's Success Today newly branded as the Women's Success NOW Network, (Also the ‘Success NOW Network’). She enjoyed long-standing VP & Marketing Director positions with the ‘Placer Women’s Network’. She is a two time author, one in a best-selling anthology series, and in another a compilation of professional women’s perspectives on success in business, Deidre’s chapter ‘Social She Fluence’ Tap into the Worlds Powerful Social She-Conomy, Reach out with Effective Brand Presence That Fully Engages Meaningful Connections & Powers Lasting Results! …Which resulted in the ‘SheFluence Factor’ (.com). Deidre also shares 'Armor of Wisdom', in the book ‘Conversations That Make a Difference: Shift Your Beliefs; a compelling page-turner filled with wisdom that triggers the momentum needed to shift into far more powerful thinking. Professionally Deidre Trudeau is Creative Director of Ezeeye Design &, Visual Brand, Design & Digital Marketing Strategists and Success Mentor - Professional mantra: Good Design Looks Good, but Sells Even Better! ezeeye Influences the Evolution of Your SUCCESS with Intelligent Creativity & Integrated Marketing Strategies. Remember Good Design Looks Good… But Sells Even Better! ezeeye IMAGING & Expert Brand, Graphic, Responsive Web Design & Marketing Specialists - Getting You Noticed - Keeping You Connected! . . 916-803-2787