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Samantha Salazar Moscow, ID 7.63 years ago

I am in my final semester of college for my secondary education degree; however, I never saw myself teaching drawing at...

Anita Lynn Prado Rockledge, FL 7.64 years ago

I hold a BA degree in Art Education and a MA in Exceptional Student Education. I have taught Art or ESE in the public schools...

Chas Martin Portland, OR 7.64 years ago

Chas Martin integrates the spontaneity and directness of plein air painting with the detail and complexity of studio painting...

Nathan Bynog Dry Prong, Louisiana 7.64 years ago

Nedaa Hammad Coral Springs, FL 7.64 years ago

Nedaa I am a daughter, sister, wife, mother, friend, and many different things to others, but the most I strive for is to...

Sheri Leseberg New Bern, NC 7.65 years ago

Alisha Bergfalk Kansas City, MO 7.65 years ago

Allison Norton Mankato, MN 7.65 years ago

Lauren Jones hot springs, AR 7.65 years ago

Terra Pham Scarborough, Onatario 7.65 years ago