Student loans, bills, and not having savings can get you so frustrated that you may consider bankruptcy. They can also mean that you're living paycheck to paycheck, unable to do anything fun with your friends. But it doesn't have to be this way. There are several ways you can get out of debt a lot faster and have the money for vacations & adventures without going bankrupt.
When you are in debt, it is not just the money you owe but also the interest. That's right; some people make a living off you paying more than what you borrowed. Make a list of what you can do without (e.g., replace a service you never use or stop buying new clothes every season), and then see if there are any ways that you can trim the fat. You may also be able to cut back on expensive dinners out. It may seem like such a small thing, but going out to dinner doesn't usually cost that much, and it is much easier to bring the food home than it is to go out again!
Packing your bags and going on vacation sounds like a great idea, but being able to afford it is essential. You can reduce the cost of traveling (e.g., stay in cheap hostels, visit with friends or family, or take a trip closer to home). But there are also ways to make the vacation more affordable. You could try getting a credit card with some reward, such as points for frequent flyer miles. This way, you can get something out of it besides having fun!
The fastest way to get out of debt is to make more money (it's not always possible, but if it is, this is your best bet). You could look for a part-time job, find ways to improve your income or ask your parents if they would be willing to give you some money to have time off.
If there are several loans that you have taken out against different things, then consolidating them into one loan may help make things easier. Not only would you have to pay less in interest, but you wouldn't have to worry about missing any payments.
If you have been in debt for a while, it's time to start budgeting. But be careful when doing so. While necessary, you can also go overboard and start wishing and hoping that you will suddenly get a better job or that your salary will increase.
As mentioned before, getting a part-time job may not be possible for everyone, but if it is, you could try and get one to help pay off your debt.
If you find that budgeting isn't working for you and you are still in debt, try cutting down on spending. You can find ways to make your money last longer or reduce your monthly expenditures.
When you're in debt, it can be tempting to think that you need something like a new TV or another iPhone. These things happen when you have debt, and these could prevent you from having a good time or doing things because of it.
If you are in debt, then you could have a situation on your hands. However, that doesn't mean that you should make things worse. Look for the best outcome and make a plan to do something about it when it doesn't work out.
If you can get a part-time job on the side, you could make some extra money and save it up so that you can travel at some point. A side hustle can be anything, such as a dog-walking business or a job editing documents.
There are many ways that you can get out of debt and travel more. The most important thing is to stop spending money as there is a lot of stuff in the world, but not all of it will bring you happiness.