Mikkie Mills

Post Date: Jun 7, 2022


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Skills You Need to Sell Your Art


To market their work, every artist requires strong sales skills. Successful selling relies on effective communication, and it's critical to convey your message as simply as possible. It would help if you learned how to sell yourself to sell more works of art. Let's go through the most crucial negotiations training that every artist should master:


Sell yourself by telling a good story

Many artists are either undervalued or overvalued. It isn't easy to sell something if you're constantly asking yourself why someone would want to purchase your artwork and nobody pays attention to a boastful person. Do not attempt to be someone you aren't, and don't overextend yourself either. Reduce your story to its minimal essentials.


Boost your artwork sales by creating scarcity

It's in your best interest to take advantage of the fear of missing out when selling at an art exhibition or market. You can try the following to show that art prints are in short supply:


Keep your sales conversation on track

Going off-topic will destroy your sales. You must concentrate on the task at hand once you have buyers' attention. Rambling on about nothing is one way to lose a consumer. Chit-chat additives should only be used to break the ice or transition into something more intriguing.


Avoid confusing language

It would be best if you got right to the point. Assume that everyone has a basic understanding of the language you are using. You risk alienating your customer if you say something clever-sounding. People are intimidated by long words. Nobody needs to listen to someone's inner struggle for self-discovery as represented in their art. Simple craft-based realism is appreciated and understood by the general audience. Buyers purchase artwork that speaks to them. 


Have good manners

Poor manners might cost you dearly, while good ways are free. Artists should maintain good manners since there is no justification for not being kind, polite, and considerate of others' needs.


Speak clearly and fluently

The delivery must be precise to be effective. Efficient communication necessitates a competent and self-assured use of words. Those who lack a natural gift for a talk must establish terms to tie everything together.


Customers should be heard and acknowledged

A skilled marketer understands when to stop talking and listen. When somebody is speaking, please pay attention to what they are saying. If they ask a question, reply directly and allow them to respond.


Pose open-ended questions to your customers

Asking questions is the means to get things started in selling art. Minimize questions that require a simple yes or no answer; they will quickly become obsolete.


Understand your product completely

You must be thoroughly knowledgeable about your product since a lack of information shows incompetence. 


Be positive, upbeat, and cheerful

Nothing is more appealing than a person who is passionate about something. It's much easier to get excited about something if you understand it. To win customers, you must provide a good perspective. The topic must also be positive.



There's a lot more to selling that is learnable. As time passes, your self-assurance grows. You don't have to be an outgoing and vibrant artist. The only way to develop is when you try to sell, and if you can learn from your mistakes rather than being defeated by them, your business will prosper.

Jun 7, 2022


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