Mikkie Mills

Post Date: Mar 18, 2022


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4 Essentials To Add to Your College Checklist


If you're heading off to college for the first time, you may not know where to start when it comes to packing. What should you take, and what should you leave behind? Remember, you won't be staying on campus permanently, so taking everything you own will cause even more work when you have to pack up and leave. This guide will help you distinguish between the must-haves and the items you don't need.


  1. Office Essentials

You're going to need a lot of school supplies. Most college professors expect students to take notes, so you should take plenty of pens, pencils and paper. Consider using binders to help keep your notes organized.

At least half of the time you're not in the classroom, you'll probably be writing essays or studying for exams, which means you'll need a computer. If you don't have the money, the cost can generally be added to your student loans. Many students opt for a laptop since it's easy to transport.

Bringing a printer along, however, is up to you. College campuses provide computer labs for student use, which include printers. You can save yourself from lugging a printer back and forth by utilizing these labs.


  1. Hygiene Supplies

Whether in college or not, your health and hygiene should be at the top of your priority list. You'll likely have to share a small bathroom with a roommate or use a community restroom. To keep track of your bathroom essentials, you may want to store them in a caddy so you can carry them back and forth as needed. Here are some things to include in this travel bin: shampoo, soap, deodorant, toothbrush, toothpaste, lotion and grooming tools. Don't forget to bring shower shoes, especially if your school has community showers.

Additionally, a first aid kit may come in handy. Either purchase a pre-made option or create your own. Include items such as bandages, ointment, a thermometer and medications.


  1. Bedding

While college dorms offer beds, they don't have blankets, quilts or sheets, so you'll have to take your own. Make sure you take at least two bedding sets so you can easily swap them out if you need a quick change. Also, purchasing reversible comforters will give you four color options, ensuring you don't get tired of the same look.

You may find that your bed isn't the most comfortable option. If you want to relax and sleep better, consider investing in a mattress topper.


  1. Clothing

Because you'll be doing more than just attending classes, you should pack several outfits. If you plan on going home weekly and taking your dirty laundry with you, you'll only need to take a few ensembles at a time. However, if you live further away and will be staying on campus the entire semester, you'll need to take most of your wardrobe along. 

Since dorms don't have much space for clothing items, consider investing in storage containers that fit underneath the bed or a clothing rack. Additionally, a shoe shelf may come in handy to keep your shoes organized.

If your dorm has a laundry room, it's a good idea to check it out. Every school is different, so the washer and dryer may be free or require payment. Make sure you have detergent and stain remover on hand just in case you need to wash something in a hurry.

There's no easy balance when it comes to deciding what to take to college., especially if it's your first year. However, making notes about what you need will make the process much less stressful.

Mar 18, 2022


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