With millions of sellers currently on Etsy each specializing in unique and creative goods, it’s easy for your listings to get lost in the crowd of the competition. This isn’t because your goods aren’t worth their salt. On the contrary: it simply means that there are so many good sellers on Etsy that consumers often have thousands of shops to choose from when they go hunting for a single product on the platform.
Though it can be challenging to stand out in Etsy searches, there are multiple successful sellers on the site that prove you can make a living selling on the platform. Ready to increase your own sales? Read on for tips to help you boost traffic and increase your bottom line on one of the most popular creative marketplaces ever.
If you’ve taken a look at your sales metrics are weren’t impressed, it might be because you’re not harnessing the power of social media to properly promote your business. If you don’t already have a social media account for your shop, it’s a good idea to start a Facebook or Instagram page for your business.
These accounts should function as more than just an extension of your Etsy shop, as simply sharing more product photos won’t do much to drum up excitement for your products. Try posting examples of how to use your products, how they might look in your customer’s space or give styling tips that your customers can use after they make a purchase. The more helpful your content is for your customers, the more likely you are to make a sale.
Etsy search results, like any other search engine, are largely dictated by how well you can optimize your listings through keywords, tags and listing titles. To improve your rankings, conduct thorough keyword research to discover what words and phrases potential customers may use when looking for products like yours.
Plug a basic keyword into the Etsy search bar and see what comes up under the autocomplete box below. Use this information to make a list of popular keywords that you can enter into your tags and titles for your product listings, making sure to use the phrase exactly as it appeared in the search function. As a rule, lengthier keywords will make it easier for your products to pop up in searches, as they tend to have less competition than simpler, more general tags.
First impressions matter and the product image that you select is the first chance you have to really catch a customer’s eye and invite them to click on your listing. Photos that are simple, easy to view, well-lit and bright are more likely to be clicked than poorly lit or busy photos. You don’t need to hire a photographer or use expensive equipment to get great photos–even the camera on your phone can capture an excellent shot if it’s well-lit and composed.
Etsy has its own advertising structure built into the platform that can boost your listing in search results and push your products ahead of your competitors. It is simple and easy to use, and your ad spend is linked directly to the payment method you enter to accept payment from sales. You can decide how much money you will put into your advertisements per day, and your budget is only used if you make a sale.
To make the most of Etsy ads, promote your best-selling products, followed by your mid-range sellers. Be sure to update your advertised listings if they don’t seem to be selling well so you don’t needlessly spend money on promotion for those listings.
Etsy rewards sellers that respond promptly to customer inquiries, so make a point to be thorough and helpful with your customer correspondence. Your listings also get a helpful boost the more positive reviews your shop receives. Great customer service will not only create happy customers, but your efforts to make customers happy will be reflected by boosted listings on the site, too, which can bring in more satisfied customers in the future.