Mikkie Mills

Post Date: Jan 25, 2022


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8 Easy Ways To Improve Your Health

If your excuse for not taking steps to improve your health is that it's too hard or you don't have the time, then these tips are for you. These are some of the quickest and easiest ways you can boost your health.

1. Improve Your Flossing Technique

Oral health is often a neglected aspect of overall health. While most people are aware that they should floss at least once per day, many don't do it because it is difficult or uncomfortable. With a little work on your technique, you can floss in less than a minute. Make things even easier by using a water flosser instead of traditional dental floss. You can get a health boost without doing anything at all by wearing a Thrive patch while conducting your regular oral hygiene routine.

2. Drink Water in the Morning

What could possibly be easier than drinking a glass of water? Morning is the perfect time to boost your H2O intake because people tend to be dehydrated after a night of sleep. Drinking water also helps get your brain going and helps your kidneys and gut function better. Additionally, drinking a glass of water before breakfast can help you feel more full, which is a good technique for cutting back on calories if you need to lose weight.

3. Give Your Beans a Bath

Canned beans are a convenient way to enjoy this healthy food without spending hours cooking. However, the liquid in a can of beans can be loaded with salt. Toss the beans in a strainer and rinse them for 10 seconds to get rid of 40% of the added sodium. 

4. Make Your Carbs Healthier

If you are reluctant to give up carbs, you can make them healthier by drizzling a bit of olive oil or vinegar on them before you eat. The added fat and acid lower the glycemic impact which can help keep your energy up and your blood sugar stable.

5. Try Meal Prep

Most people don't eat enough fruit and vegetables. One way to make it more likely that you will eat yours is to prepare them ahead of time so that you don't have to do a lot of chopping and peeling when you are tired after a long day of work or trying to rush out the door in the morning. Spend a few minutes every night cutting up some fruits and vegetables to snack on the next day. Eating more fruits and vegetables helps you get more fiber, vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals which can reduce inflammation, support healthy skin, improve digestion and help your body recover from everyday damage. It can also increase motivation and improve your mood.

6. Take a Quick Jog

Running may not sound easy, but almost anyone can run for one minute. One minute per day of running can improve your bone health by 4%. This can help offset the approximately 1% rate of bone loss women experience after menopause. However, you need to stick with it for six to 12 months to start seeing the benefits.

7. Run the Stairs

If you scoffed at the idea of easy running, you are probably really skeptical of running stairs. However, climbing just 60 steps in 20 seconds three times a day and three days per week can increase your cardio fitness by 5%. That's a pretty significant boost for just three minutes of activity per week.

8. Turn Off the Lights

If you are having trouble falling asleep at night, keeping your home too bright could be to blame. Light exposure is part of how your body knows when it is time to rest and when it is time to get up. Turning the lights down in the evening can increase melatonin production, which can help you fall asleep faster.

Now that you know these quick and easy ways to boost your health you don't have any more excuses. Get started improving your health today.


Jan 25, 2022


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