You have probably heard the saying that if you don't have your health, you don't have anything. As cliche as it is, it is also true. Taking steps to improve your health can make all of the other aspects of your life easier and more enjoyable. These tips can help you get started.
Walking every day can help increase your metabolism, which helps you burn more calories and prevent the muscle loss that often occurs with aging. It can also reduce your risk of type 2 diabetes, improve your blood pressure and help prevent heart disease. Try wearing your Thrive patch while you walk to get an extra boost from this healthy activity.
An anti-resolution is something that you want to stop doing. For example, if you find you never have any time for yourself, you could resolve to stop hating watching that television show that hasn't been good for three seasons.
Schedule an hour every week to explore some new self-care activities. Examples might include reading a book, talking to a therapist, exercising, practicing mindfulness or exploring nature.
Studies have shown that creating music has a positive impact on memory and thinking and may help prevent dementia. It may also help improve your overall mood. There are lots of different options including singing, playing the piano or joining a drum circle. See if there is a community choir or band in your area to get the added benefit of increasing your social time.
Weight loss is a very common health goal; however, the evidence suggests there is not an automatic connection between higher weights and poorer health. It may benefit your mental health more to embrace your body the way it is, rather than always struggling to make it smaller.
If you have never worked with a therapist, consider finding one and if you already have one, evaluate how well that therapist is working out for you. Patients who find a therapist who is a good match for them tend to make more progress.
Studies have shown that reading can improve your cognitive health as you age. Additionally, reading literary fiction has been shown to enhance empathy, which can improve your relationships with friends, coworkers, neighbors and family members.
Many health conditions can be most effectively treated when they are diagnosed early. Stop putting off your check-ups. Put them on your schedule now and keep your appointments.
The American Heart Association updated its guidelines in 2021 to make them easier to follow. The guidelines now emphasize dietary patterns, rather than focusing on specific foods. They recommend following a diet composed of healthy proteins, minimally processed foods and whole grains.
For a variety of reasons, many people let their vacation time go unused. Perhaps you are fearful of falling behind on your work or of getting passed over for a promotion. However, studies show that using that vacation time lowers your risk of death from all causes compared to your non-vacationing peers.
Creativity can reduce loneliness and disengagement and help prevent dementia. You can make your home more conducive to creative activities by clearing up clutter and creating a warm environment with soft edges and muted colors.
Eating the same old boring meals every day can lead to some bad food habits, such as hitting the drive-thru on the way home from work or calling the pizza delivery place. Try out some new recipes to put the spark back in your menu plan.
You don't have to make drastic changes to your daily life to improve your health. Making a series of small changes can have a big impact.