Flooding is more likely to occur in some areas over others, but even the most unexpected areas tend to see a little flooding from time to time. Just like any other emergency, you and your family should have a plan in place so that no one panics when the time comes. Here are five ways you can prepare for a flood.
Ideally, you should assess your flood risk whenever you move and then decide whether or not you need flood insurance. Areas near water tend to have higher rates because of the higher flood rates, but that also makes the coverage that much more important. Just know that if you decide to forgo flood coverage, the damage inflicted can be disastrous and expensive (or even near impossible) to fix. At the very least, you should see how much flood insurance will cost you. You may be able to get additional coverage with your home insurance quotes.
Just in case the unthinkable happens, you need to make a plan. If you have young children, they need to know the plan too. You may want to refresh everyone's memory or update the plan every year as you learn new things and find new equipment that can be useful. Make sure your children know not to swim or drive through moving water. Select a trusted news station you can tune into for updates. You can assign everyone different items like furniture or electronics to move to the upper floors. When everyone knows their roles, they're more likely to get to work than panic when the warning comes.
Flash floods can occur with no warning. If you can't leave the house, it's important to have food, water, warm clothes, tools, lights, and a way of communicating, like a radio. You may even want to make copies of important documents and seal them away in a waterproof bag that you can grab quickly should you need to leave the house. If you have pets, stock up on pet food and decide how they will be transported. Check your batteries and make sure your equipment works. Toss out expired food, top off your water supply, and teach your kids how the different tools work on a regular basis. Make sure they know where their emergency bags are, how to use the first aid kit, and how to turn off utilities if necessary.
Floods can ruin a good home in a shockingly small amount of time, but there are some renovations you can make to help protect your house. Install a sump pump if you don't have one. Seal your basement walls to prevent water damage, and consider moving things like your furnace out of the basement and to a higher level. It's not always convenient, but floods can ruin your electrical systems or water heaters if the water fills your basement high enough. If you live near the water, there's a decent chance these things are not put in a basement anyway.
It's important to evacuate when your area is told to, but you also need to know when it's considered safe to do so. If the flooding has already started, driving near downed wires or moving water could be far more dangerous than sheltering in place. If there's a flash flood, there won't be time to evacuate, and your only option will be to move to higher ground. When you make your evacuation plan, think about where you'll go. Do you have friends and family nearby you could stay with, or will you need to go to a hotel? If the hotel is full of other evacuees, do you have a backup?
Thinking about potential flooding may not be pleasant, but it is necessary to plan well. By doing your research about your area and preparing your family well, you can respond properly in the face of an emergency.