Mikkie Mills

Post Date: Dec 21, 2021


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4 Ways To Conquer Your Fears

Conquering fear is rarely easy. It requires a lot of hard work and experimentation. Unfortunately, it's also difficult to know where to start. So, if you want to live a less stressful life, here are four ways to conquer your fears.

  1. Use Supplements

While thinking through fear is certainly beneficial, it may be helpful to take some supplements. After all, fear results from literal chemicals in your brain. Therefore, it can be reduced through physical means. Start by trying less intense options. Some good ones to consider are melatonin, glycine, kava and rhodiola rosea. If these don't seem to work, you may also consider trying cannabis. This drug has become highly accepted as a way to reduce stress. Because of this, it may be able to calm you down in moments of high anxiety. If you're nervous, you can always try CBD first. This component of marijuana provides relaxation without the high. Afterward, you can then start using cannabis. If you don't want to smoke a blunt, don't worry. You can always use other methods, including edible gummies and brownies. 

  1. Distract Yourself

Sometimes, it's necessary to take a break from your fears. While this may not seem like a step forward, it can help you gain the resolve to keep trying. Do something fun for yourself. This could be a number of things, including reading, binge-watching, biking, taking walks, knitting and writing. However, it's important to be vigilant during these activities. Unfortunately, it's easy to trigger yourself. If you come across something with any similarity to your fear, you may not have a successful break. It may also be helpful to hang around others. Although time alone can be relaxing, it might lead to dangerous trains of thought. This is particularly possible if you have anxiety or OCD. So, being around other people could be the best way to distract yourself.

  1. Discuss Your Fears

Staying silent about your fears can be harmful, especially if these fears invoke self-hatred. So, no matter how ashamed you are, it's crucial to discuss each one. If you feel comfortable, it's definitely wise to find a therapist. This will allow you to get professional help in thinking through your worries. It can also provide an unknown and impartial ear. However, you may not be comfortable with talking to a stranger. That's perfectly fine! You can talk with someone close to you instead. When looking for a confidant, you'll want to focus on those who can respond without bias. While parents and loved ones are comforting to talk with, you may only hear what you want to hear. If there's a community or religious leader you trust, this may be a perfect candidate. During your discussion, be sure to stay completely honest. Thoroughly layout your fears and begin to seek solutions.

  1. Face Your Fears

When it comes to vanquishing worries, few methods are more successful than facing your fears. Because of this, you'll want to abate your fears by experiencing each one. Admittedly, this can be extremely hard. Therefore, you'll want to be thoroughly prepared beforehand. Try the above steps first before you do this. You may also want to have trustworthy loved ones with you. When it comes to the actual experience, there are many ways to go about it. For some, it's possible to face fear head-on. For instance, those afraid of needles can simply get a shot. For others, it may not be as literal. For example, anyone afraid of failure or losing loved ones can't control the experience. It will happen when it happens. So, you can experience the fear in other ways. One method to try is talking to those who've been through it. Try to fully empathize with the individual, especially when emotional reactions are discussed. Another option to consider, especially if your fear is a physical experience, is virtual reality. While this can be expensive, it allows you to become immersed in a specific situation.

Dealing with fear can be terrifying, especially if a worry has manifested for years. However, it can also take a huge weight off your shoulders. Stay strong and keep your goal in sight.

Dec 21, 2021


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