Mikkie Mills

Post Date: Dec 14, 2021


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3 Essential Health Benefits of Milk

Your health is one of the most important things in your life, and making the best choices you can to support it should be a priority. While there are so many ways to approach your health, nutrition is one of the most basic things you can focus on. Since nutrition is so open-ended, learning as much as you can about the benefits of different foods will help get you on the right track.

However, it's important to note that beverages should be in this category as well, because there are many that are incredibly beneficial to your health. Did you know that milk is one of them? Here are three reasons why including milk in your diet can work wonders for your health.

1. Milk Can Replenish Your Muscles After a Workout

Getting regular exercise is necessary for good health. It's also important to consider how you're treating your body once your workout is over. 

When you've used your muscles and expended a lot of energy, nourishing them afterward should be a no-brainer. You may have heard how milk is the perfect post-workout beverage and wondered why. Milk is full of protein, carbohydrates, fat, and energy — all things your body needs to revive itself after exercise. 

However, it's important to not get a post-workout glass of milk misconstrued with extreme measures, such as the gomad diet. While there might be evidence pointing to its safety and effectiveness, there are several reasons why this isn't the best choice in general.

2. Milk Might Lower Your Risk of Heart Disease and Hypertension

If someone were to say that consuming a glass of milk each day could potentially reduce your risk of heart disease or help to lower your blood pressure, would you believe it? Some research has shown that milk can be beneficial in doing both, which is great news for health enthusiasts everywhere. 

Whether it's balancing levels of good and bad cholesterol or delivering a healthy dose of blood-pressure-lowering magnesium to your body, milk has a lot of potential. However, be prepared for conflicting information. Try making milk a part of your diet if it isn't already and see how you feel. After all, you know your body better than anyone.

Note that organic milk typically has a higher nutritional value than conventional milk does. Raw milk is another wonderful option as long as you're getting it from a reputable source. 

3. Milk Can Help You Sleep 

Have you ever had a night where you spent more time tossing and turning than getting the shut-eye you needed? Since sleepless nights happen to everyone, it's always a good idea to have a go-to way to wind down. And since getting enough sleep is essential for good health, making sure you get your rest is a must. Turns out a glass of warm milk could be all you need to drift off. 

Are you wondering what it is about a glass of warm milk that has such soothing and relaxing properties? Milk contains naturally occurring tryptophan, which is a superstar for relaxation. The tryptophan in milk also helps the brain's production of serotonin and melatonin, which make you feel relaxed, balanced, and ready for sleep.

If you'd like to try taking it up a notch or two, consider making golden milk. While there are countless variations of it, the result is warm, spicy, and soothing. If you have inflammation or digestive issues, the turmeric and ginger often used in golden milk can bring relief, helping you drift off to sleep comfortably.

Adding milk to your diet is one of the easiest things you can do while also adding numerous benefits to your overall health. Whether you're looking to improve your physical endurance, maintain a healthy weight, improve your heart health or get better sleep, milk could be your answer for all of that and more. Why will you raise your next glass? 

Dec 14, 2021


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