The decision to go to college is a considerable one, and with it comes a host of other important choices, too. While you decide where you’d like to attend school, where on campus you plan to live, how you’ll acquire funding and whether you’d like to attend full or part-time, you also have to consider what college major is right for you.
In order to decide what major will pave the way for your future successes, there are a number of factors to contemplate in the process. This guide is here to help you pick the right path.
Think About What You Value
A major is more than just a field of study. It’s an academic concentration on something that reflects who you want to be and what you want to invest in during your lifetime. However, a major doesn’t have to reflect perfectly what you want out of life. It should simply be something you value, whether that’s a life of curiosity, money, philanthropy, social justice and others. While you accumulate student loans, you may as well study something you feel passionate about.
Analyze Your Interests
College is a time of self-discovery, and the things that you find interesting may change as you move through your coursework and learn more about the world around you. When you finally settle on a major, it should be something that feels less like schoolwork and more like something you enjoy learning about even when you’re out of the classroom. Take a look at your interests and let them guide you toward an area of study that you could really see yourself pursuing even if grades weren’t a part of the equation.
Acknowledge Your Abilities
Some people choose a major based on something they excel at, while others choose a major in an effort to become better at something. Because college is a place to learn and grow, it’s a great opportunity to hone in the skills you think could serve you in your future endeavors. If you anticipate a career in the medical field, for example, a major in biology or physical sciences would be a great choice to adequately prepare you for future post-graduate courses.
Consider Your Temperament
While no majors are significantly more difficult than others, some are better suited for certain temperaments, and they may be more difficult to you personally than to someone else. If math isn’t your strong suit, and you’re not interested in pulling all-nighters in order to ace your exams, you may want to look into other options that won’t demand as much of your time and energy. As well, some majors require more hands-on work, public speaking, paper writing or physical labor, so take note of what you may be up for in your college experience and decide accordingly.
Be Practical
It’s a well-known fact that some majors are more likely to land you a well-paying salary than others. While money shouldn’t be the first thing you consider when you choose a major, it can certainly help you to make a decision based on your anticipated financial future. If you’re interested in getting set up for a money-making job, you may want to consider some majors over others.
Look to the Future
A college major is, ultimately, designed to prepare you for a career in whatever field you choose to study. It’s important that you find something that you can see yourself in for the next several decades, as well as a field of study that will equip you to find fulfilling employment after graduation. For this reason, it’s okay to switch majors until you find something you really enjoy or to select a broader field of study that will allow you to apply for several different types of positions in your field when it comes time to find a job. Consider what may fulfill you throughout your life, and trust your gut above all else.