The last couple of years have been rough ones for consumers. You are probably wondering whether things are going to improve anytime soon. Unfortunately, entering 2022, you will be faced with a number of financial challenges, including changes to the tax code, high rates of inflation and a struggling suppy chain. That doesn't mean that you need to be stressed or anxious, however. There are simple things you can do to be more confident in your financial security. Review the steps below to understand how you can save money moving forward into the new year.
Whether you are interested in auto financing or purchasing a new home, you will want to make sure you have enough money in the bank to pursue your goals and dreams. Overspending is often caused by seeing too much advertising or trying to keep up with the spending habits of friends. Take some time to think about your spending patterns and what you can do to break unhealthy habits. Your history with money, going all the way back to childhood, may be the cause of your overspending. If you need to speak with a licensed therapist to unpack some thoughts and feelings around money, don't hesitate to do so.
Sticking to a budget can make or break your financial health. Take time to write down your needs, such as utility, car and rental payments, and your wants, such as recreational shopping, trips to the spa and movie tickets. Your budget should account for all of your needs and only some of your wants. Don't try to go cold turkey, however. If you never make room for any fun spending, you will end up resenting your budget and, most likely, not sticking with it. Make sure that your partner or anyone who shares expenses with you is also on board with the budget.
If you have any major life changes or events on the horizon, now is the time to start preparing for them. Many people choose to have a five-year plan, where they plan out their goals and how they plan to achieve them for the next five years of their life. You may be getting married soon. Create a budget, pick an affordable venue and consider whether a prenuptial agreement is the right move to protect your assets in the unfortunate case of a divorce. If you are considering having a child, you will want to consider the cost of education and child care, as well as your company's family leave policy and how it will impact your savings.
If you aren't preparing for retirement yet, you should begin to do so as soon as possible. If you don't want to work well into your golden years, a solid nest egg is essential. Consider opening an investment account so that your money can grow over time. If you don't feel confident investing on your own, don't hesitate to speak with a qualified financial advisor who can help guide you through the process.
A 529 plan is an easy way to save for your child's future college education. This type of account is tax-advantaged, but you should be aware that any withdrawals, also known as distributions, must be used towards qualified educational expenses, or you could incur a penalty.
Having debt hanging over your head can be incredibly stressful. Prioritize your highest interest debt first, such as credit card payments. This can easily be done with a budget. Put aside money each month to pay down your debt. This may mean having to forgo some recreational expenses for a few months, but it will be well worth your peace of mind when you are debt-free.
2022 is shaping up to be a complicated year when it comes to money matters, but that doesn't mean you can't set yourself up for a bright financial future. Try some of these steps today.