Mikkie Mills

Post Date: Dec 1, 2021


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Preventing a Data Breach

Having your information stolen in a data breach is a terrible feeling. Cyberthreats are happening everywhere, and with the fast pace of technology and the amount of information that can be gained, it’s no wonder there’s a rise in threats. The large complications these breaches can cause to a person or business’s privacy is astronomical. Company’s lose credibility when their information is breached, especially when it affects the customer’s privacy. Customers are at risk for identity theft or stolen passwords that can lead to their bank account. So what can you do to protect yourself from data breaches that keep getting cleverer? Read on for a few tips on how to keep your company or personal information safe.

Don’t Fall for Phishing

Hackers are masterminds at sending emails, texts, or strange notifications in the hopes a person will respond. Those links can be deadly to click, and if there’s not a link, responding will fuel them to keep sending more messages and asking for personal information. Avoiding a hacker from lateral movement should be a high priority. Once the hackers are in, they can start using a lateral movement core tactic that will compromise your entire system and steal your company and customers’ private information. That’s information you do not want a scammer to get a hold of.

One of the best ways to prevent this type of hack is to educate yourself and your employees on the types of phishing scams that are out there. Teach coworkers and employees to be mindful of things that seem a little odd. Chances are, those strange things are giant red flags. If a user’s email looks a little off, or the phrasing doesn’t sound quite right, don’t click any links or respond to it. Find another way to check with the person on their email and confirm if they sent it or not.

Make Sure You Update Regularly

Your software and operating systems are at risk if they aren’t updated regularly. Hackers are masterminds at improving their reach and methods for getting your data. You want to make sure your system can handle keeping them out. Never let your antivirus expire and whenever possible, apply secure measures for logins. Multi-authentication logins help prevent hackers from getting into networks or other applications. Even if the scammers do get ahold of your password, they won't be able to break in without the multi-authentication access. 

Multi-authentication and changing your password frequently is a great way to keep yourself secure. If you aren’t using the same password for everything, less damage can be done if your password is stolen. If you utilize multi-authentication, the hacker will be unable to retrieve your code and break-in. Not only that but you’ll be notified when they try to log in and able to change your password.

Be Ready and Have a Plan

Prevention is always better than clean-up. Unfortunately, some hackers can be persistent and still get around your security. If you get caught in a data breach, know what to do. Form a plan for what to do based on what information gets compromised. Run through simulations on how to shut down the data breach, who to contact, and what to put in place to protect the information again. You want to focus on when the information was hacked and what information got compromised. Eliminate the damage as much as possible and take early action to rectify the situation. Your company will look worse if you hide the truth from your clients. Reputation is important, and depending on how you handle the data breach can break or make your business.

No one wants to go through a data breach. The level of information that can be hacked is frightening, but with a few preventative measures, you can help keep yourself and your company safe. In the event a data breach still happens, have a plan ready, evaluate the facts and notify the right people. Your decisions in a crisis will impact how people see your company and brand. With a little extra security and plans in place, your company will be on the right track to handle anything that’s thrown their way.

Dec 1, 2021


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