If you’ve been married for any amount of time, you know that after a while, that initial spark starts to fade. Although your love may grow deeper and stronger, that original infatuation that inspired you to constantly do nice things all the time for your spouse has probably started to go away.
You want to do nice things for your spouse and show that you love them, but it takes some conscious thought and planning to make this happen. Here are six easy ways to help you make your spouse feel loved, even when you’re busy with life.
Who doesn’t like a little love note to start or end their day? Grab a piece of small paper, write a quick note to your partner, and stick it somewhere that they’ll see sometime during their day. For example, stick a note on your bathroom mirror while your spouse is in the shower for them to see when they’re getting ready. Or leave a note on your partner’s car dashboard that they’ll come across before they head off for work.
A new piece of clothing you know your partner will love and wear often is a great way to show your love for them. Purchasing mens Irish sweaters and other comfortable clothes can be an excellent option for giving something to your spouse, especially if you’re heading into winter. The best part is that they’ll think of you every time they slip on their new sweater.
Between kids, a demanding job, and all of life’s other responsibilities, it’s probably been a while since you went out with your spouse. And even if you have the time, it’s much easier to order takeout and binge watch your show on another weekend night than it is to plan and get ready for a night out. But if you want to do something special for your spouse, take the time to plan a fun night out that you will both enjoy.
How often do you act like you’re listening to your spouse when they talk but you’re actually thinking about something else or scrolling on your phone? The next time your spouse starts talking about their day, try putting down what you’re doing and actively listening. Ask them meaningful questions about the subject and put time into engaging in a meaningful conversation. Chances are the next time you’re the one talking, your spouse will return the courtesy and pay more attention to what you have to say.
Whether you are okay with your in-laws or you can hardly tolerate them, it’s tough dealing with another family that doesn’t automatically feel like your own. Keep in mind that your spouse loves their family, just like you love yours, and by showing love for your in-laws, you’re also showing love to your spouse. Put in some extra effort showing love and kindness to your in-laws and your spouse will probably notice.
After a few years, you and your spouse may have gotten stuck in old routines. And it’s hard to change them when life gets busy. If you feel like your marriage could use some extra fun and connection, try something new that you’ve always wanted to do together. For example, you might want to go dancing together, take an art class together, or just start exercising at the gym together. Whatever new thing you decide to try, make sure you’re doing it together.
Putting in more time and energy into your marriage can make you both feel more committed and in love, especially if you’ve been married for several years. These ideas can help you get started but think about other ways you can show you love your spouse that are personal to your own relationship.