Are you constantly in a sluggish and foggy state? Do you wish you could have more energy to do the things you have to get done? Your diet is a significant contributor to your energy levels, and rightfully so since food is your fuel. Take some of this advice to start to improve your diet and boost your drive.
It should go without saying, but water is life and a great boon to getting on track. Water is actually the world's best energy drink. It's inoffensive in odor and taste as well as calorie-free. Water works to deliver necessary nutrients to your body's cells and carries away waste products like lactic acid that cause fatigue.
Make sure you're drinking enough water by getting a water bottle that will help you monitor your water intake. Start the day off by drinking half a liter to a liter of water first thing, and note the energy-boosting effects.
In a perfect world, everyone would start off with an ideal balance of nutrients and vitamins and only need to replenish these with a healthy diet. Alas, as individuals, people have various strengths and weaknesses. Pay close attention to your regular checkups for personal needs.
With a little personal research, you can discern many of your deficiencies yourself. Using apps to input your daily diet can help you see your actual intake levels. Tests and kits can be ordered to see what your body may be lacking. More and more people have become homebodies, depriving themselves of valuable sunlight. A reliable vitamin D test can determine if your levels are low and help you decide what supplements are best to remedy it.
The battle over carbohydrates and what kind to eat is perpetual. Still, science has born out that carbs are a necessary part of a balanced diet and that the best ones to eat are complex carbs. The reason is that simple carbs (like refined sugars and sugar-filled drinks) are quickly digested and converted into energy. That's the proverbial sugar rush. Of course, this leads to sluggishness in a rapid crash. Then there is the added downside: since the calories aren't typically all burned off, the excess is converted into fat, increasing the waistline and further lowering energy levels.
Complex carbs are more filling and take longer to digest, providing a slower, steady supply of energy to the body throughout the day. The calories are burned as needed, and this helps to regulate glucose levels. To get those complex carbs, shun the white bread, sodas, sweet snacks, and fruit juices that are cheap and easy to pick up. Reach for whole grains, starches, and oats.
Make a goal to replace at least one simple carb option with a complex carb alternative. For instance, replace your sugary brand-name breakfast cereal with oatmeal sweetened with fruit and a little organic maple syrup.
Caffeine has proven to be a safe stimulant that occurs naturally in a wide variety of foods and beverages. While there is nothing wrong with relying on that regular cup of morning joe, be alert to how you're using coffee and when. Pay attention if you start to experience harmful side effects like crashing regularly after taking in caffeine.
It's best to get your caffeine from natural sources like coffee, tea, and yerba mate instead of sodas and energy drinks that are loaded with sugar. If you do choose to use energy drinks for a jump-start, check the label.
While correcting dietary deficiencies and improving your eating schedule is important, don't expect it to be a cure-all. If your sleep hygiene is poor and you live a sedentary life, even the perfect diet will not do much for your vigor. Be sure to incorporate a sensible diet into an overall balanced lifestyle to get the full benefits.
Everyone can benefit from more energy. Apply these suggestions to see a quick increase in your vitality and regain a new zest for life!