Mikkie Mills

Post Date: Nov 17, 2021


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5 Beginner Sports You Can Teach Your Kids

Children tend to be active and even if they aren't, it's good to encourage them to get some exercise and participate in physical activity. One of the best ways to do this is by getting your child involved in a sport. Here are five beginner sports you can teach your kids.

1. Tee-ball

Baseball and softball are some of the most popular sports for kids to play. Kids participating in these sports can improve their hand-eye coordination, attention spans, vision and aim. They can also get some exercise throwing and catching the ball, running around the diamond and swinging a bat. However, it's best to start your child off in a tee-ball league rather than going straight to baseball or softball. Tee-ball is a great introduction to many of the skills children need to play baseball or softball. It's also a bit more gentle than those more advanced sports. For example, in tee-ball, the ball sits on a tee so the kids can practice swinging the bat at a still target, rather than being thrown at the batter by the pitcher. If your child decides to advance to baseball or softball, you can repurpose the metal or wooden baseball bat from his or her tee-ball days.

2. Soccer

Another great first team sport is soccer. This is a particularly good option for young children still learning coordination, as the ball is relatively large. It's easy for children to follow and handle. Children who start off playing soccer likely won't learn specific strategies, plays or drills right away. Instead, peewee soccer is more about getting them used to running after the ball, kicking the ball in the right direction and getting exercise while playing. As children get older, they can develop their skills and learn more about the specific rules and teamwork associated with the sport. Young soccer players will also be better equipped to transfer to other big-ball team sports, such as basketball.

3. Swimming

Another good choice for a beginner's sport is swimming. Not only does swimming provide kids with social and physical activity, but it also teaches them the important skill of swimming. Once a child learns to swim, he or she will be able to safely and confidently participate in many water-based activities, such as going to the pool, kayaking, sailing and surfing. Children can choose to swim competitively or simply continue taking classes on various strokes and techniques. Swimming can become a lifelong exercise activity, particularly for people interested in low-impact exercise to protect the joints and support the body.

4. Karate

Karate, like swimming, is a sport that can provide children with skills that will be useful throughout their lives. In this case, while karate helps children develop strength, precision, coordination, flexibility and discipline, it also provides them with a foundation for self-defense and mindfulness. A child who practices karate will be better prepared to protect himself or herself in certain types of situations. He or she will also learn more about the limits of his or her body and how far he or she can safely push it. Karate is a fun way for kids to imitate their favorite action characters or superheroes in a fun, safe and constructive setting.

5. Track And Field

Track and field incorporate many activities into one program, including sprinting, distance running, long jump, high jump and shot put. Your child will be able to participate in both team activities and independent training and competitions. He or she will also be able to learn what aspects of track and field he or she is most comfortable with and can try out each activity to learn more about it. Track and field help children improve their endurance, strengthen their muscles and start doing more strenuous and consistent cardio exercise.

Your child may be interested in a team sport like soccer or he or she may prefer a more independent option such as track and field. You should talk to your child about his or her interests and see what he or she thinks about various leagues and programs available in your area.

Nov 17, 2021


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