Mikkie Mills

Post Date: Nov 12, 2021


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Great Side Hustle Options for Artists

There's a reason people call them "starving artists." A lot of times, creative people just haven't found their niche or audience or both. Most people could use extra income these days, and taking your creativity to the next level can help you do just that. Here are a few ways to create a side hustle to not only practice your creativity but also increase your income.

Edit Photos

Even if you're not a pro with a camera, you probably still have an artist's eye for a good photo. A freelance photo editor typically edits the raw photos in the style the client requests. The images could be for everything from website photos to pictures for advertisements. You'll need some computer experience such as Azure AKS and photo editing software like Photoshop. 


Many creative people aren't only creative in one type of art. You could very well be a painter or sculptor who also has an eye for the art of photography. 

Make Old Things Like New

An excellent form of artwork that will never get boring is creating something new and attractive from something old and ugly or out of date. Find old, inexpensive items such as furniture at thrift stores, yard sales or flea markets. Then, add your personal touch to them. Something unique could sell for a high price.

Decorating Confections

Even if you don't have excellent baking skills, you can make money simply by decorating the baked creations if you're an artist. These items could include cakes, cookies and doughnuts, just to name a few. Get a side gig with a bakery or bake and decorate your own tasty creations. 

Sell Designs

Selling your designs to be put on various items like t-shirts, phone cases, tote bags and puzzles can be a great side hustle. It's a great chance to establish yourself and make money at the same time. 

Stage Houses

Many people need someone with a good eye for home decor to make their home look good when they're ready to sell. A well-staged home can sell for a great deal more than one that is empty, poorly decorated or cluttered. If you're good at what you do, you could simply turn it into a profitable business through word-of-mouth. 

Design Landscapes

If you're creative and love the outdoors, designing landscapes could be for you. You could either work for a company part-time or go out on your own.

Create a Font

Many people enjoy discovering new fonts for their projects. If you're good at creating fonts, you can sell downloads of them on different sites. 

Create Murals

It takes a special kind of art and experience to properly create artwork on a large canvass of a mural. It's incredibly beneficial to have a portfolio, but you have to start somewhere. You can advertise your services to get started and build a portfolio. 

Sell on Etsy

If you've ever looked on Etsy, you know that there are endless possibilities of unique crafts and other products you can find. If you're an artist, you probably have some type of creation you can put on Etsy to sell, even digital materials. 

Sketch for the Police

If you love drawing people, you may enjoy being a police sketch artist. This job would involve interviewing crime victims and witnesses about the suspect's features and then drawing a picture of a face based on that information.

Create Logos and Custom Designs

Many business owners need outside help to create custom company logos, either for a new business or rebranding an established company. You can also create your own pre-made logos to sell. Logo designs could be used on business cards, advertisements, social media, websites and so on. 

As an artist, you have the potential to start a great side hustle that you will enjoy. It could be very profitable and maybe even turn into something you do full-time. Begin today considering all the possibilities.

Nov 12, 2021


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