Mikkie Mills

Post Date: Nov 9, 2021


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3 Simple Self-Improvement Tips for Moms

As a mom, you probably feel stretched too thin from time to time. You're probably also no stranger to putting your family's needs ahead of your own, which can oftentimes result in feeling drained, off-balance, or even resentful. You might also have days where you're craving something other than motherhood.

It's important to recognize that these feelings are normal. However, it's also important that you don't allow yourself to stay there too long. Focusing on yourself is a great way to feel better. Here are three simple tips to get you started. 

  1. Prioritize Your Health 

Taking care of yourself should be just as much of a priority as taking care of your family.

Whether it's cleaning up your diet, exercising regularly, or catching up on overdue medical and dental appointments, your health matters. And since taking ownership of it is the only way to make sure you cover your bases, now's a good time to get to work. 

However, finding time to do this can be challenging at times. This is why keeping things as simple as possible will be a huge part of your success.

For instance, cooking most meals at home will give you more control over what you're eating. Spend time researching healthier recipes and different cuisines to keep things interesting and exciting for everyone.

Finding the time to exercise daily can be tricky too, so be realistic about it. Streaming 20-minute workout videos or heading out for a mile-long walk will do the trick, as long as you do them consistently. 

To accelerate and keep you on track with your progress, consider a supplemental program. Whether you're looking to boost energy, curb cravings, improve your sleep or just generally feel better, reading through Thrive reviews could help you determine if this approach would be right for you. 

  1. Take On a New Hobby 

When was the last time you learned a new skill, or felt proud of an accomplishment? As a busy mom, chances are good it's been quite some time and that's to be expected. Unfortunately, It's all too easy to get caught up in day-to-day routines that finding ways to personally learn and grow can take a backseat. That's all the more reason why doing this is so important.

Finding a new hobby doesn't need to be a huge undertaking. Think about something you've always wanted to do but haven't, or maybe something you used to love doing but got away from for whatever reason. 

Maybe you're interested in improving your baking skills, so you decide to learn how to bake amazing loaves of artisan bread. Maybe you've always had a passion for art and your set of oil paints has been sitting in the back of the closet for too long. Maybe your dining room needs a refresh, so you decide to take on a little home renovation yourself. Whatever it is, throw yourself into it and connect with it.  

Not only will you end up enjoying the fruits of your labor, but you'll also feel great about your accomplishment(s).

  1. Find Your Identity Outside of "Mom"

One of the hardest things about motherhood is losing sight of who you are. But don't worry, you're still in there. 

However, this doesn't mean to cast aside your role of mom. What does it mean? It means being okay with doing something just for yourself and letting go of the notorious mom guilt. Call up an old friend and spend the day together doing something that brings you joy. Remember what you used to love doing and make time for it — even if it's curling up with a cup of coffee, a good book or a movie and relaxing away the afternoon.

No matter how deep in the trenches you may be, there's always time to do something for yourself. It might take some practice to begin with, but eventually you'll feel so great you'll wonder why you didn't take the time sooner. 

Nov 9, 2021


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