Mikkie Mills

Post Date: Oct 19, 2021


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9 Ways To Simplify the Process of Programming

Programming isn’t difficult but it can be complex. As with learning any language, there are some tips and tricks to simplify the process and set you up to work on increasingly complex projects with ease.

  1. Master the Fundamentals

When learning programming or a new programming language, don’t skip the basics. The stronger your foundation in the fundamentals of programming the easier it will be to write increasingly complex code. There are five fundamentals you’ll want to master in the programming language you select:

  • Syntax
  • Data structures
  • Control structures
  • Variables
  • Tools
  1. Start With the End in Mind

This is an important part of programming but it’s more than just knowing the desired result. Starting with the end in mind also involves thinking about the future of the program so you can avoid any anti pattern that could cause problems as program use expands.

  1. Practice Coding by Hand

Break out the pen and paper and start writing your code. It can feel like a waste of time but coding by hand helps develop your understanding of algorithms and syntax while also making a deeper connection with your brain. You can’t test handwritten code or debug it, but it can help you to gain greater clarity on the processes involved in the code you’re building. And, since some job interviews require you to code by hand as part of the technical evaluation it’s a good practice to get used to.

  1. Get Your Hands Dirty

Don’t just read about programming or practice coding by hand. Get on your computer and try out the code you’re reading about. Change the variables. See if you can optimize it for different solutions. It’s not a bad practice to write and run the same piece of code multiple times, learning all you can about how it works.

  1. Make It Fun

There are all kinds of coding games and challenges that can enhance your programming skills, while also giving you opportunities to network with other programmers. You can also create your own project from scratch. The more fun you have the better you’re going to be and the easier coding will become.

  1. Teach as You Learn

It has been said that one of the best ways to learn something is to teach it. The beauty of this is you only need to be one step ahead of the person you’re teaching. Teaching allows you to simplify and articulate programming concepts in ways that another person can relate to. In doing so, you’ll likely discover aspects of programming that you didn’t see before and your own coding will improve.

  1. Learn Through Collaboration

Participating in open source projects is a great way to hone your programming skills, network with other programmers and practice collaboration. One of the beauties of collaborative efforts is learning to ask for help. Sharing ideas, talking through concepts and exploring solutions with others often creates an environment where asking for help is expected and welcome. And asking for help can provide a fresh perspective and keep you from spinning your wheels on problem areas of your projects.

  1. Create an Environment That Works for You

Quality programming requires attention to detail and focus. Do you need silence when you're programming? Do you like having pictures or figurines around to let you take a mental break? Do you work best with some low-fi beats playing in the background? Taking the time to make your workspace conducive to your workflow can make the entire process of coding simpler and more fun.

  1. Intentionally Take Breaks

Schedule alarms if you have to but be intentional about walking away from the computer and switching gears every now and then. This helps to clear your head and can bring a fresh perspective when you’re working on a project.

There are many ways to simplify the programming process and most only require an investment of your time and attention.

Oct 19, 2021


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