Self-improvement is always an admirable goal. Whether you just want to be a little healthier, more responsible, more mindful, or have a specific skill you want to learn or a habit you want to break, we all have room for growth. Sometimes, however, knowing what you want to do and how to make it happen are very different things.
When undertaking a lifestyle change, especially ones related to your health, it’s important to create a plan that’s rooted in safety and practicality. It’s not always easy to know where to begin or how to find resources to help. Here are a few common lifestyle improvement goals and some tips to learn how to achieve them.
Unsurprisingly, losing weight is the most common universal lifestyle change goal in our modern world. As technology has made our lives easier, we have become more sedentary. At the same time, despite the availability of healthy food, natural supplements, and thrive reviews, we opt for fast food or processed snacks far too often. Sustainable weight loss can only be achieved by committing to a lifestyle change that is composed of improving diet and staying active.
Here’s where many people get tripped up: they think there is a shortcut. There, unfortunately, is no free lunch in nature. You can’t outrun or out-exercise an overabundance of calorie consumption. Crash and fad diets may work in the short term but must be supported by exercise and long-term commitment to avoid putting the weight back on.
Many people become frustrated and fail. The best way to start a weight loss program is to track your calories, plan to subtract a few hundred each day, and start an exercise plan that you enjoy and will stick with. If you are considerably overweight, be sure to consult your physician to make sure you don’t start an exercise routine that would put your health at risk.
If you struggle with dependence on alcohol, drugs, or tobacco, and want to make the positive lifestyle choice of freeing yourself of it, first, give yourself credit for being brave and honest with yourself and knowing that it’s time for a change. That said, coming off any addictive substance without proper care and support can be very detrimental to your health, and downright deadly in some cases.
For tobacco, there is a plethora of readily available information about smoking cessation and tools that can be purchased to help do so safely. For opioids or narcotics, a physician monitored detox or rehab is essential. There is a misconception that since alcohol is legal and easily obtained that alcohol abuse is combatted more easily than “harder” drugs. The opposite is true. A person who has routinely abused alcohol for long periods must consult a physician before attempting to go cold turkey and stop drinking altogether. Withdrawal symptoms can include seizures, shakes, and in some cases death. Don’t let that discourage you but know that it must be done with care.
Circling back around to health, many people without weight problems want to be more active, strong, or fit. Again, it’s always a good idea to involve a physician to evaluate your overall physical health before diving into a new exercise routine. Assuming you’re healthy enough to work out, the key is finding the right routine for your goals.
If you are training for a specific sport or event like a marathon, research specific exercise protocols that are beneficial to it. If you are just trying to add muscle or definition, it’s best to study what people with your body type do to achieve this goal. You may benefit more from strength or resistance training than cardio or high-intensity interval training. You must stay aware that there is a glut of misinformation about fitness, partially because a great deal of it comes from people trying to sell a product or program. Research several different places before deciding what to focus on.
Self-improvement should be an ever-evolving, lifelong goal. Making a lifestyle change is a commendable move, and an achievable one if you approach it thoughtfully and do your research.