Mikkie Mills

Post Date: Oct 1, 2021


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4 Self Improvement Goals for 2022

 Self-growth and development is a great way to focus on yourself. With the start of a new year, many of us make New Year’s resolutions we rarely follow through on past the first month. Some of the goals are unrealistic. Some are perfectly doable, but we lack the motivation. 2022 is a new year and a new chance to set goals to improve yourself. Focus on goals that help you grow as an individual, learn new things and open your mind.

1. New Language

Learning a new language may seem like a daunting task, but it is a perfect goal for a new year. If you need extra motivation, choose a language to learn as a family or partner up with your significant other or a friend for accountability. Learning a second language can improve memory and brain function, help with career advancements and boost confidence. This goal is a beautiful way to connect with other cultures and to build a deeper appreciation and understanding. Learning a new language can be even more fun if you are planning a trip to a destination that speaks that language in the future. Some of the best languages to learn include Spanish, Mandarin, German and Arabic.

2. Read More

Reading more is a goal that has tremendous impacts. You can increase your vocabulary and comprehension skills while preventing cognitive decline during aging. Reading can increase intelligence, entertain, reduce stress and help you prepare for better sleep. If you’re not sure what to read, consider joining a book club, search Google for reading lists or ask your local librarian for suggestions. It doesn’t matter if you choose fiction or nonfiction. Simply read what you enjoy reading so that you will stick with it. Instead of turning on the television each night as you get into bed, opt to pick up a book and spend a half-hour decompressing with a good book. You can set a goal to read a certain number of books per month, a certain number of minutes per day or read a predetermined list.

3. Improve Health

Improving your overall health is a better goal than losing a set number of pounds. By choosing to focus on your health instead of your weight, you can still drop a pants size or whatever your desire is. Create good habits, starting from the time you wake up each day. Focus on hydration status, nutrition, daily exercise and getting enough quality sleep each night. Your diet should be nutrient-dense, filled with lean proteins, fruits and vegetables. Portion size plays a role in weight loss and overall health, so if you are trying to lose weight, be sure you are consuming the correct number of calories. Carry a reusable water bottle with you throughout the day and drink at least 64 ounces per day. Exercise is important for weight management and can also decrease the risk of certain diseases, lower blood pressure, decrease the risk of depression, enhance mood, and increase energy. Your overall health can affect your mood, confidence and longevity, so improving overall health is an excellent goal for 2022.

4. New Skills

Maybe you have always wanted to learn woodworking, gardening or a particular form of art. Setting a goal of learning a new skill is a wonderful way to spend your free time in the upcoming year. There are video tutorials for just about any skill you can think of, and there are plenty of online courses offered through learning platforms for a curriculum-based approach. Reach outside of your comfort zone or follow a desire you have always had. You might be really good at it!

A new year can mean a new you. Transform yourself with goals that are based on personal growth and development to see results that can stick with you for a lifetime. You can learn and still have fun. If you opt for healthier lifestyle goals, then hopefully, you will create lasting habits. Whatever you choose, stick with it and be proud of yourself!

Oct 1, 2021


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