Jenn Lee

Post Date: Aug 18, 2021


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How Not to Be a Target for Scammers

Most people have heard of identity theft. You may have been a victim yourself or know of someone who has. It is stressful, time-consuming, and can feel like you have been violated. Many people experience long-lasting effects even afterward. Many thefts are hard to prove and cannot be recovered. Certain people are easier targets for scamming than others for various reasons. Here are six ways to avoid being a victim of identity theft. 

Know the Different Types of Attacks

Below is a list of the most common methods used by scammers:

  • Mail theft 
  • Social Engineering
  • Spoofing attack fraud
  • Shoulder surfing
  • Stealing personal property
  • Account takeover
  • Man-in-the-middle attack
  • Dumpster diving

Freeze Your Credit

This is an easy way to put a hold on your credit with all three major credit bureaus. It restricts access and the ability for new accounts to be opened in your name. Freezing your credit is free to do and easy to unfreeze when you need to open a new account. This method gives you peace of mind knowing that nothing can be added to your credit file without your explicit permission. 

Protect Your Social Security Number

Your social security number is the fastest way for a scammer to gain access to your personal information and credit file. You must protect it with your heart. If you are doing business with someone and your social security number is requested, be sure to ask why it is needed.

Do not give your social security number out over the phone unless you know you are speaking to a trusted source. Do not carry your social security card on your person. It is best to keep it in a safe place at home unless you need it for the day. Once you have used it for personal business, put it back in its safe place. 

Stay On the Lookout for Spoofers and Scamming

It can be easy to overlook things when you are routinely checking your daily emails. You may recognize a company name that you do business with, making it easy to assume that an email asking for your personal information can be trusted. But you must take the time to read each email fully, refer to previous emails from that company, and compare them.

Do not reply if an email from a reputable company is coming from a weird-looking email address. It is wise to even call the company and ask if they sent you an email asking for information. Be sure to tell them about the spoof email you received. 

Create Very Strong Passwords

Think about the passwords you use for your accounts. Are they all the same? Are using easily identifiable information like your last name or your pet's name? If so, consider changing these passwords immediately. If your passwords are the same for every account, once a scammer has access to one account they have access to all of them.

If you have a hard time coming up with a creative and unique password, allow the password manager to create a complex password for you. This can ensure that your passwords are unique and hard to recover. Find a safe way to store all of your account passwords instead of simply relying on the security questions. 

Keep An Eye On Your Mailbox

When you are at home, no matter how busy you may get, be sure to check your mail daily. The last thing that you want is for your important documents to pile up, leaving you unsure if something is missing by the time you check your mailbox. If you go out of town you should have your mail held off.

You can also sign up for Informed Delivery with the United States Postal Service so that you receive a preview of your mail. This will help you to know if anything is missing by the time you return home. After you have opened and taken care of your bills, be sure to shred your documents. This includes pre-approved offers for credit. 

Aug 18, 2021


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