There is a lot of talk in the fitness and medical worlds about metabolism, but when it comes to overall metabolic health, it’s still a concept shrouded in mystery for many. Your body’s metabolism is responsible for more than just a stable weight and trim waistline. The term encompasses a wide variety of functions, including the ability to properly metabolise sugars, cholesterol and triglycerides, but it also refers to your body’s ability to regulate blood pressure and sustain important organ functions.
Different lifestyle factors, from your activity level to what you consume, can help or hinder your metabolism. Even if weight loss isn’t your primary goal, your metabolic health represents the efficiency of your cellular function–and here are crucial reasons to start to take a greater interest in it.
It Decreases Naturally with Age
As we begin to grow older, our metabolic health begins to dip gradually, even when your body composition remains relatively the same. At rest, you’re more likely to burn more calories in your twenties than when in your fifties, regardless of whether you’ve stayed at the same or a similar weight throughout your entire life.
Because your metabolism naturally declines, any inputs that slow it down additionally results in lower energy levels and slower system functions than if you keep a mindful watch on keeping your overall metabolic potential healthy and regulated.
You Have a Higher Chance of Developing Disease
Your metabolism is a system of thousands of chemical processes in your body at a cellular level. It works to convert the calories you consume into useful fuel for your body, so that you can stay not only active and energetic, but also healthy, too.
Your metabolism plays a role in warding off harmful illnesses. When your metabolism is functioning at lower and slower levels than it should be, your body can accumulate too much of one substance or not enough of another. When your brain, bones, organs and tissues aren’t getting what they need to function, it becomes much harder to do what it takes to fight off unwanted pathogens or maintain proper organ functioning to sustain good health.
It Keeps You at a Healthy Weight
The more things you do to support your body in maintaining good metabolic health, the less likely you are to hold on to extra fat cells that can prove to be a detriment to both your overall wellness and your waistline. Your metabolism doesn’t kick into gear only when you’re active and getting your heart rate up. In fact, your body performs most of its metabolic processes when you’re inactive.
The same habits that encourage weight loss also encourage better metabolic health. The more time you spend being active, and the better you eat, the harder your metabolism works to break down substances in your systems so your body can function at its peak. Long after a workout, your muscles consume more energy–energy that is often stored as fat on the body.
It’s Always Working
Your metabolism is one of the important processes that keep you going. While active, your body expends more calories than it would had you been sedentary. However, your body’s resting metabolic rate carries the lion’s share of metabolic processes, performing an impressive 60-80% of your daily energy expenditure just to keep your brain, organs and tissues functional.
Your metabolism, like your heartbeat, is always working for you. Because so many of its functions are unseen, it can be hard to know whether it’s working at maximum capacity. The speed of your metabolism ebbs and flows due to several variables, but when it’s working well, you’re likely to feel healthy, strong and alert. It’s important to take steps to include a few metabolism-boosting habits in your routine, such as regular exercise, stress relief, a healthy diet and even a few helpful supplements. When you do, you’re more likely to see a boost in mood, a trim figure, a clearer mind, and a healthier, happier body.