Your office environment doesn't have to be a dull and dreary place. That type of setting definitely isn't the stimulating space you want to create for great work to happen. If you brighten up your office with some artwork it will not only improve the visual appeal but boost employee morale and quality of work.
Use Unique Structural Elements
There are some simple ways that you can integrate art into your office. Some of them are in the structural parts of the building itself. Look for ways to replace common fixtures and plain, boring standards with something that will really stand out. Glass barn doors are a beautiful and interesting way to add a unique element to a standard door. They come in many styles to suit any space. Frosted glass and the sliding action of the door offer privacy and ease of use.
Plant a Garden
Some greenery is always a welcome addition and will add a lot of appeal to your office. The improved quality of air will also promote better concentration and focus.
You can place some potted plants around the office space and common rooms for a pop of natural beauty and to bring nature inside. If you have space, a larger outdoor garden is a fantastic idea. Your staff will enjoy spending their breaks and lunch in the soothing space. It will provide an area to relax and recharge before getting back to work.
Decorate Your Walls
The most common and simple way that you can display art at your office is by hanging some prints or paintings on the wall. Use your imagination and go with bold colors and interesting designs that encourage staff and visitors to stop and take notice. Good art demands attention and invites discussion. You can even change out the art on your walls every so often to keep things fresh.
Add Some Sculptures
Art doesn't have to be limited to the wall. Sculptures are a good way to make your office more interesting and unique as well. Place a few in the hallways or breakroom. Or, add a thought-provoking work in the entry area of your building. They are a good way to break up the space of larger areas.
Consider an Installation Piece
If you really want to provide something truly different and get people talking, then installation art could be the way to go. This type of art is all about large pieces that are usually made specifically for the space where they are displayed. They can be fun and interactive, or simply something to observe and provoke thoughts and stimulate discussions.
Invite a Group To Perform
Art isn't limited to the visual type. Give your staff members a treat by arranging for a theater group or other type of performer to come to the office and put on a show. This can be a welcome break that livens up the office environment and encourages your employees to interact and spend some time with one another.
Play Some Music
Music is soothing and is known to provide inspiration and spark creativity. Think about playing some soft music throughout the office. If your employees are involved in tasks that require uninterrupted focus, then restrict the music to common areas and allow the offices to stay quiet.
Encourage Employee Contributions
Hold an art contest to get your employees to participate in office events. Offer a prize for the best piece of art. You may even want to encourage your staff to bring in a painting or creation that they are proud of to display on the walls. Or, set up a small gallery where they can take turns displaying their artwork and showcasing their talents.
Art makes everything more intriguing and more beautiful. You can transform your office space by including some different forms of art to alleviate the monotony and keep your employees engaged in their environment. This will create a positive and uplifting workspace that enhances mental clarity and encourages good quality work.