Have you heard someone say they have a slow metabolism? Or do you know someone who can eat virtually anything without ever gaining a pound? The fact is that your metabolism has a lot to do with how quickly you put on (or don’t put on) weight.
While it may seem unfair that some people have faster metabolisms than others, there are steps you can take to speed yours up. Along with reading Le-Vel Thrive reviews about products that can help with this, there are a few other steps you can take, too. Keep reading to learn what these steps are.
Interval Training
When biking, swimming, or running, increase the intensity of your pace for 30-seconds at a time. After the 30-seconds have passed, return to your normal speed. Doing this increases your oxygen intake, which makes the mitochondria work even harder to burn energy. Another perk of this is that you can exercise less and still achieve the desired results.
Build Muscle
Your body is constantly burning calories, even when you are doing nothing. This resting metabolic rate is higher for people who have more muscle. Each pound of muscle you have will use approximately six calories each day just to sustain itself. However, every pound of fat on your body uses just two calories per day. This seemingly small difference will really add up over time. After spending time strength training, the muscles throughout your body are activated, which increases your average metabolic rate.
Eat Protein
Eating food will increase your metabolism for several hours. This is referred to as the TEF, thermic effect of food. It results from additional calories needed to digest, absorb, and process the nutrients from your meal. Protein will result in the largest increase in TEF. In fact, it increases your metabolic rate by up to 15% to 30%, compared to zero to three percent for fats and five to 10% for carbohydrates.
Eat Smaller Meals During the Day
Having more small meals during the day will help you feel full. It can also help keep your metabolism up. When you have smaller meals during the day, it will keep your blood sugar levels in a good range and help prevent insulin spikes that may result in weight gain. Consider eating six smaller meals per day that are about 300 calories each.
Drink Plenty of Water
Did you know your body requires water to process the calories you consume? Even if you are just slightly dehydrated, it may cause your metabolism to slow down. According to one study that focused on adults who drain eight or more glasses of water per day, it was proven that they burned more calories than participants who only drank four glasses of water each day.
If you want to remain hydrated, consider drinking water or some other unsweetened beverage before snacks and meals. You can also snack on fresh vegetables and fruits, which are full of water. Do this instead of chips and pretzels.
Stand Up More Often
If you sit too much, it is actually bad for your health. In fact, some health experts have called this the new smoking. This is partly because if you sit for longer periods of time, you don’t burn as many calories, which can cause weight gain. Compared to sitting, spending the afternoon standing up can burn up to 174 additional calories.
If you work at a desk, try to stand for shorter periods of time. The goal should be to break up the amount of time you are sitting. You can also invest in a standing desk, which will help with this goal.
Increase Your Metabolism
As you can see from the information here, there are several things you can do to help increase your metabolism and fat burning power. Keep the tips and information here in mind to achieve the desired results and start burning fat and feeling healthy.