Most likely while going to work every day, ideas come to mind of other things you would like to do. Now that you're retired, make a list of volunteer opportunities you would love to be involved with and try them out.
Now that living with extended family is no longer the norm, many people are missing out on words of wisdom from their older family members. You could help make up for that education gap by volunteering to teach in the town's community education center.
If you worked as a licensed electrician, you could teach many lessons that people wonder about such as "What do I unplug during an electrical storm?" or "How do solar panels work?"
Literally any job or hobby you know a lot about could become a class where others can learn your skills.
Retired people sometimes find themselves missing children. For many, their own child-rearing days are a blur. If you worked full-time while raising your children, you may feel you didn't have all the time you wanted to do things with them.
If there are no grandchildren or they don't live nearby, consider volunteering at a local daycare or library. Daycare centers can always use another pair of hands and you could do some fun things you never got a chance to do with your own children.
Storytime, craft time or science lessons are just a few of the ideas that could make both your day and the childrens'.
In addition, most hospitals have a baby holding program. Some newborns have addictions or other issues and need a lot of cuddling. If holding a baby in your arms again sounds appealing, find a hospital with a program like that and sign up.
If you are a former librarian, you might find yourself visiting your local library just to soak up the atmosphere.
Many things happen in public libraries now other than picking out books. See if your local library has book clubs, a book adviser desk, literacy programs or pajama storytime for toddlers. Then volunteer, if that sounds appealing to you. You could also suggest adding these programs in case they don't exist yet.
In the past, you might have believed in a certain candidate but always had to turn down those recruitment phone calls seeking volunteers.
When the next election season begins, you'll be much more able to help. In addition, on election day, towns hire poll workers to help voters get the correct ballots and submit them properly. The bonus to this is that most towns pay their workers a salary.
If you love being on the road, astonishing as it sounds, you might even miss your commute when you retire. Some go for aimless drives just to get out. There's nothing wrong with this, but your trips could be a bit more focused and still be fun.
An extreme type of driver is one who delivers cars. If someone lives in New York and has just sold their car to someone in California, you could get the job of driving it to the purchaser. In that case, the seller would also supply plane fare for you to get home.
Similarly, people like antique dealers might feel more comfortable having someone drive a valuable piece than putting it on a plane.
Since you wouldn't be making these trips every day, it could be a lot of fun.
Driving on a smaller scale is also an option. Many people need rides to things like chemotherapy appointments and you could make all the difference in their lives.
Doing something you love that also helps others in some way is a very fulfilling way of life. All it takes is thinking of something you're good at and finding a way to do something positive with it.