Mikkie Mills

Post Date: Mar 12, 2021


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Enhancing Artistic Creativity

Some people are very practical. They have lists to ensure that everything gets done which needs to be done. They have alarms set on their smartphones or smart watches to keep them on schedule or alerted of hiccups that may throw off their schedules. Calendars are color-coded, file contents are listed on the file cover and receipts are recorded appropriately by the more fastidious individuals of this mindset. All of their efforts are supported by entire retail stores designed to increase their efficiency. What about the opposite end of this particular spectrum, though? How do creative types get more…creative?


One way many artists of all genres help themselves tap into their imaginative potential is by meditating. Recently, CBD oil has been shown to increase some people’s ability to focus their meditation because of its ability to help reduce anxiety and depression. When you buy CBD oil, you want to ensure you adhere to state and federal laws. Hemp-based CBD oil with less than 0.3 percent TBH is legal federally, but still illegal in some states. Find a reputable source, preferably one with a web presence, customer reviews and ratings and a return policy.


A particular genre of meditation called mindfulness meditation enhances creativity and inspiration by opening the mind to new possibilities. Some people have trouble achieving a state of mindfulness, though. Use the oil as directed and find a comfortable spot in which to meditate. Comfort is key. You don’t want your body’s pain to distract you from your meditative efforts. Our minds already provide enough distraction. They’re always working and firing off in different directions. Many people’s minds tend to shut down new ideas quickly because they’re not proven or have an increased risk of failure. Through mindfulness meditation, those thoughts of failure take a back seat to the realm possibilities.


When you begin your mindfulness journey, you may want to find a guided meditation to help you learn the basics and stay focused. It’s not easy to ignore distractions and rein in your mind from all those tempting tangents for ten minutes if you’re a novice. As you progress in your mindfulness practice, you can experiment with different guided meditations or even with going it alone. To get started, check out the resources you already have. The fitness app you already use may have some meditations available.

Manipulating Your Environment

Have you considered how the places in which you spend most of your time influence you? Bare walls in dreary colors are not going to inspire your creativity. Successful screenwriters hang movie posters from their favorite films. Musicians have various instruments or concert memorabilia to tempt them to create. Artists use color to make their spaces vibrant and stimulating. Think about ways in which you can change up your own space to encourage your creative juices to flow.


Music speaks to many people in different ways. There are authors who now include playlists with songs that inspired their different novels. These authors tell their avid fans just how much the particular melodies on the list influenced the creation of characters and plots. Country music doesn’t make you feel the same way classical music does. As a creative person, tap into that. What genre inspires you regarding your current project? Use that to help yourself as you bring your vision to life.


Making our homes smell a certain way will absolutely assist us in spurring our creativity. If you’re sculpting a flower or painting a beautiful landscape and your home smells like your neighbor’s curry from last night, you may find that distracting. You can spray air fresheners for a temporary fix. Burning candles lasts longer, but you need to pay attention to them as they could be a fire hazard. Melting scented wax tarts is a fire-proof way of adding scent to your home, as is utilizing aromatherapy diffusers with essential oils.


You can spark your creative process by boosting it with a little help.

Mar 12, 2021


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