Mikkie Mills

Post Date: Mar 3, 2021


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The Secret to Losing Weight (Without Ditching Your Favorite Foods)

There’s nothing like sharing a good meal with great company, but beginning a weight loss plan can put a damper on valuable gatherings with family and friends.

Luckily, losing weight doesn't always mean parting ways with your favorite foods. Check out the methods below to shed extra pounds while still eating the foods you love.


With the growing availability of weight loss supplements, there are more options for simple, safe and effective weight loss than ever before. Even a cursory scan of Le-Vel Thrive reviews demonstrates that many weight loss supplements can help you achieve your goal weight by increasing your energy, focus and mood — all crucial when gathering the motivation to keep up with a diet and exercise regimen.

Supplements won’t work by themselves, however, and they won’t work passively to melt off any fat. Any weight loss supplement worth trying will simply assist your efforts to stick to a nutritious meal plan and get your body moving more often.

Fibrous Foods

If you’re attending a birthday party where you know there will be treats that could thwart your weight loss efforts, it isn’t always necessary to pass on a slice of cake in order to keep losing weight. Just plan on filling up on other nourishing foods before indulging on ice cream and donuts to fill your stomach with healthy foods that will make you feel full, decreasing the likelihood that you’ll grab a bigger slice of birthday cake at the end of the night.

Mindful Calorie Intake

One of the oldest and most reliable methods of weight loss is also one of the most effective. Set up a daily calorie budget based on your personal activity level and your body’s metabolic rate, keeping in mind that you want to create a calorie deficit each day in order to ensure the number on the scale drops at weigh-ins.

Though this method, your favorite foods can maintain a spot on your plate, so if you spend the day eating low calorie meals and have room left in your budget, feasting on pizza for dinner won’t cancel out the calories burned in your intense morning workout.

Portion Sizes

If your grandma’s famous chocolate chip cookies are too good to turn down, think about keeping the amount of cookies you eat to a minimum. With portion control, the foods you love can still be a regular part of dinner, but while you’re trying to lose some of that extra weight, they may just have less of a presence at the table.

When using controlled portion sizes to shed pounds, you can still eat what you want, but your focus shifts to eating the recommended serving sizes of most unhealthy or fatty foods. To maximize your efforts with this methods, all portion sizes should be cut down so you’re generally eating less overall.

When a weight loss program is restrictive, it’s less likely to be effective and you’re more likely to give in to indulgences more often. Using these tips, you’ll never have to deprive yourself of your favorite foods — and still continue to drop pant sizes.

Mar 3, 2021


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