Lewis Robinson

Post Date: Jan 7, 2021


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6 Tips To Being More Creative

If you're feeling run down by the fast-paced lifestyle perpetuated by much of society, you may benefit from some more creativity in your life. If you've ever tried to simply "be more creative," chances are you quickly learned that creativity doesn't work like a light switch. While this can be frustrating, there are ways to exercise your creativity muscle, just like any other skill. Here are some tips to help you change how you view and approach the world around you.

1. Be Open To New Experiences

After a long day at work, it's easy to say no to invitations from friends, even if you've been wanting to socialize. While rest is important, you also need to feed your creative well. Creative expressions are often a reflection of life experiences, so in order to express yourself creatively, you need to experience life. Even a night out for drinks can lead to somewhere unexpected, and you never know when or where you'll meet someone or discover something new.

2. Make Relaxation a Habit

A busy mind is often stressful, and if you're sitting in front of a canvas waiting for the creativity to flow, you're likely to leave disappointed. Seemingly mindless activities actually give your subconscious time to work, so if you're stuck on a problem, go for a walk, clean some dishes, or even take a shower and see what your subconscious mind gives you. There's a reason why those waterproof shower notepads are so popular. If you're having a hard time relaxing, you may want to try CBD flower or some other products to help calm a busy mind.

3. Hunt the Muse

Relaxation can help the creativity flow, but it's not going to bring inspiration every time you call. Sometimes, when you want inspiration, you have to actively go out and find it. Take a trip to the library or local museum. Go see a movie or walk somewhere new. Exposing yourself to new ideas and different world views can change the way your brain thinks and processes different information. You never know what connections or new ideas will pop up from the littlest of things, like a sentence on a plaque outside an old building or a flower in the new park across the street.

4. Foster Curiosity

Always be curious about your surroundings, and be willing to learn new and exciting things. This is also good advice for forming and maintaining new friendships and other relationships. Be excited about other people's projects and ask them about their processes. When you have a group of creatives to bounce ideas off of, you cultivate a well of both experience and inspiration. This is also a chance for you to give back to the creative community.

5. Make Creativity a Habit

You may not be able to switch your creativity on and off, but you can train it to show up around the same time. When you sit down to write or sculpt or do any other creative activity at the same time every day, you're teaching your brain to prepare for those creative activities on a consistent basis. Once you've formed the habit, you no longer need to wrestle with your brain and drain precious willpower reserves.

6. Cultivate Your Environment

Inspiration and creativity work differently for everyone, but it's a good idea to find out what kinds of environments you thrive in. Unsurprisingly, most people enjoy being around things they enjoy. Decorate your space with color palettes and items that bring you joy or inspire your craft. Keep samples of your craft at different stages so you can see how far you've come. When you're having an off day, these could be what gets you back on track.

Living more creatively can benefit you in so many areas of your life, and it's not difficult to get started. When you're open to experiencing new things and you foster creative relationships and habits, you can see results almost instantly.

Jan 7, 2021


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