Whether it is a trip to a day spa or a vacation getaway of several days at a resort, it can be a restorative experience. However, some people find it difficult to let go and relax, and sometimes your expectations of the experience do not match the reality. A little preparation and consideration ahead of time can help you enjoy the pampering you receive with little to no complications or distractions.
Before you book your time at a spa, perform your due diligence. This means checking into their policies, such as pricing, tipping, cancellation, etc. Find out what is expected of you when you are there and decide whether you can comply. Also look into the services and treatments available. If there is a term that is unfamiliar or confusing to you, such as body treatments, lip repair, or specialty massage, find out what it means before you agree to anything.
Think of how upset you would feel if someone were to disrupt your spa experience or waste your time by not showing up to an appointment as agreed upon. The rule about treating others the way you would like to be treated certainly applies at a spa. Keep noise levels down to avoid disturbing others and be on time for all your treatments so that the provider does not need to adjust his or her schedule for you.
Depending on the type of spa that you intend to visit, it may be possible to take a tour of the facility either before booking or shortly after arriving. Don't be afraid to ask for a tour. This is a reasonable request and one that many facilities will oblige willingly. Just keep in mind that it may not be possible to provide a full tour if the resort is currently busy. Out of respect for the other guests, the spa will not allow you to barge into rooms where treatments are taking place.
If possible, decide what you would like to do before you take your spa trip and book these treatments in advance. Otherwise, they may not be available when you try to schedule them upon your arrival. In that scenario, an alternative may be to add your name to a waitlist and hope that someone else cancels. However, this is not a very efficient use of your time or money.
If you've never been to a spa before, do not feel embarrassed about admitting it. You may not know what all the treatments entail, so be sure to ask questions and find out exactly what is involved. If they understand your situation, staff at a spa will make sure you understand and not ridicule or embarrass you for your inexperience. Spas like to have new guests and will go out of your way to make sure you are comfortable with what is happening.
Spa treatments should be relaxing and not painful or uncomfortable. If you do experience pain or discomfort during a treatment, speak up. The provider should make adjustments to improve your experience.
You have the right to respectful treatment when you visit a spa. Staff should be able to make reasonable accommodations for you. For example, if the robe provided does not fit because you are plus-sized, you have the right to request a larger one. If the facility cannot comply with your very reasonable request, you have the right to express your displeasure.
Hopefully, if all goes well and you have planned for your trip carefully in advance, no concerns of this nature should arise. Generally speaking, staff and technicians are well trained and experienced at helping you relax.