They say everyone has a true passion, but sadly, it can be many years before some discover exactly what that is. If someone were to ask you right now what yours is, would you know how to answer them? It isn't always so obvious. There is often a fine line between hobbies and something with a much deeper meaning, but in time those signs become evident. Here are several ways you can tell when something is your true passion.
Have you ever noticed that when you're having a particularly bad day, or you're going through a rough patch, there are certain things you just can't do? For example, if you're having trouble at work, you probably can't concentrate enough to read a book or watch TV, even though you love both. However, another activity like painting ignites a spark of hope inside. You find it soothing and know that no matter what, you couldn't turn it down. That activity may be your passion.
Another sign that shows you your true devotion, is when something feels so completely natural you can't imagine it not being in your life. Say you get up every morning and just can't wait to get situated in front of your mirror where you'll create beautiful art with makeup colors. You love dressing up in everything from the latest handbags to sparkling diamond watches because to you, fashion is life. Something that feels that natural is like an extension of yourself.
If you've ever been involved in something that completely engulfs you, only to realize hours later that it's--well, hours later, that's a good sign that something is a true love. This happens frequently with writers who many times become completely oblivious to anything around them as they search for just the right words to craft the story they're telling. When you snap out of it, some time later, and still feel completely exhilarated and revved up, you know it's real.
No one on the planet is quite as honest as a child, and when children know what they like, they pursue it full force. Adults aren't as unhindered and are held back by life's responsibilities, but sometimes that love of astronomy, rockhounding or dinosaurs returns and comes full circle. Here you are now, setting the world ablaze with your "new found" passion in ways you couldn't when you were little. Rekindling a childhood hobby is one of the purest joys you'll ever know.
You may not realize that you like something as much as you do until it ends. Imagine you wanted to learn another language, and had always admired those who are multilingual. So you signed up for a class and ended up feeling so invigorated that you studied for hours on your own. When suddenly the class was over, you felt lost. If you feel sad when a project ends and have a burning desire to continue, you may have found a calling.
No matter who you are, or what it is you love, you'll find people who are going to challenge you. They may even say your interests are stupid and a waste of time. If you're yearning to quit your high paying job and sell all your things so that you can go save baby sloths, you will have people that will defy you. If you know you're going to do it anyway, then you know you've found your passion.
Finding one's passion isn't something you can sit down and ponder. Everyone has many hobbies and interests, but the real deal is something that will make itself known as it continues to resurface. When you realize you can't be without that one certain thing, that's when a true passion is born.