Sustainability is a topic that’s on everyone’s minds lately. With mounting environmental concerns, there is a greater push than ever before for people and organizations alike to adopt more sustainable practices in order to curb the impact humans are having on the planet. Governments and corporations have the most agency with which to make these changes, and that kind of broad, sweeping change takes time. However, the average individual can take certain steps to be better informed and make more responsible and sustainable choices in their own lives. Here are some examples of how alternative energy sources affect the way that humans live and the effect people are having on the planet.
Solar Energy is being hailed as the way forward in terms of clean, renewable energy. Solar panels are becoming more widely available, as well as more viable for the production of energy, making them an appealing option for business and consumers that want to reduce their carbon footprint. Solar panels represent a high cost initially before providing essentially free electricity, making them a cost effective option, as well. Solar panels are currently less efficient than burning fuel, however, and they can only produce power during the day. The technology has been steadily advancing, and it will continue to do so; increased demand for solar energy will drive substantially more research into the technology of solar panels, making them much more efficient with time. Solar energy is considered renewable, because it depends on a natural process that is projected to last for approximately 5 billion years, which is effectively infinite as far as humanity is concerned, and it’s a clean energy source for similar reasons.
Wind energy is another energy source that is touted as clean and renewable, but it’s not taking the world by storm like solar energy is. There are two primary factors that make it less appealing to businesses and consumers. Wind turbines use the same basic concept as the windmills of antiquity, as is apparent in their similar designs. However, wind turbines are scientifically engineered to be more aerodynamic and efficient, and they now convert kinetic energy into electrical energy, whereas traditional windmills used the kinetic energy to mill wheat, primarily. Similarly, however, wind turbines are quite large, making them non viable for the average consumer, and, just like windmills, they are moved by a wildly inconsistent force of nature. However, it’s worth noting that wind turbines are generally much more efficient than solar panels, primarily because they use less energy to function. They lack versatility, because of their vast size, making them less popular with consumers, but they have taken root in commercial and government use where the size is less of an issue.
Coal and fossil fuels are the cornerstones of modern civilization. As mentioned above, they remain the most efficient methods of providing energy, but that efficiency comes at a cost. Burning these fuels creates pollutants, chief among them being carbon dioxide, one of the major contributors to global warming. They are also non renewable resources. Much like with the lifespan of the sun, this isn’t technically true, but the natural processes that create coal and fossil fuels take thousands of years. This means that, for all intents and purposes, they are finite, and the concern of running out of this vital resource is only growing. However, human civilization as we know it has been built around the level of energy these energy sources provide, and their use powers the production of more eco friendly technology and keeps the lights on as scientists iterate on the so far inferior alternatives, meaning that they must be phased out gradually. Otherwise, modern humans will have to make heavy sacrifices in order to cross the finish line.
While there is an imperative to develop more sustainable practices and technology, a smarter choice is a better choice. That means that, while solar and wind energy need to supplant coal and fossil fuels, the conversion from one to the other needs to be done carefully and correctly. The individual, however, can mitigate his or her own impact on the environment simply by using solar panels and an electric car.