Successful study is more than just a simple review of the material presented in class, it requires the dedication to concentrate and get a full grasp of the information. Try out some of the following five tips to make your study time more productive and to achieve high grades on any test.
In order to study efficiently, you’ll need a comfortable study space where you won’t be interrupted. Find or create an appropriate spot to suit your needs. Some students find that a busy café is conducive to learning. On the other hand, if you’re a learner who requires a quiet study environment, create your own study space at home. Your study spot could take many forms, from a desk in your bedroom to the kitchen table. Make sure your study space has all the supplies you need to allow you to focus and be productive. Keeping your study space clean and organized will allow you to spend your valuable time hitting the books instead of searching for power cords, pens or highlighters.
Not only does your body require fuel to stay healthy, your brain does, too. If you’re studying on an empty stomach, concentrating on any course material becomes that much harder. Make sure to eat a healthy meal before you study, and, if you get hungry during your studies, have healthy snacks ready nearby. Having snacks already prepared before you start to study will prevent the possibility of distraction.
Students of every age need proper sleep in order to be successful in academics. Getting enough rest is one of the most important ways to prepare your mind, both for regular class days and for important tests. Good sleep not only allows you to focus your attention during classes, it also gives your brain better power of recall on crucial test days. It is recommended that students get at least eight hours of sleep every night, including the night before a major exam. Resist the temptation to work through the night in order to process more information. It often is more beneficial to head to bed and get enough sleep than to stay up all night cramming for an exam.
In this hyperconnected world, it is often hard to find moments that are free from distraction. In order to study productively, you need to remove as many distractions as possible. If you are a person who is sensitive to noise, make sure you’re in a space free from the sounds of television or music. In addition, try to limit your interaction with your phone or computer. Taking a peek at any social media site can lead to a rabbit hole of distraction. If social media is a major distraction for you, consider using products to temporarily block parts of the internet that you know could interrupt your studies.
If you feel like you’re hitting a brick wall with your studies, it may be time to ask for help. No matter what type of test you’re taking, there are resources available if you need to seek outside help. Tutor sessions can open your eyes to new ways of thinking about a given problem. You can find tutors for a variety of subjects locally or online. Tutors can also help with some of the major tests you will encounter in your academic career. Consider SAT or ACT tutoring to help you get familiar with the ins and outs of these important tests. A different perspective may be all you need to push through problem areas and get a better grasp on any subject.
The most successful students are often the ones with the best study habits. Follow these tips to take the stress out of studying and get the grade you want on your next exam!