Art comes in many forms. Paintings, photographs, sculptures, and performance art represent some forms. Different movements take art into various directions and styles. Impressionism looks nothing like abstract art which, in turn, doesn't look at all like neorealism. Anyone wishing to enjoy art need not care about styles or forms. As long as the artwork evokes a feeling, hopefully, a positive one, the viewer should feel pleased.
Although art works best without restrictions, a purveyor of art should follow some rules. Keeping your mind empty allows you to enjoy the material best.
Art should bring something out intellectually and emotionally. Just as a painting starts as a blank canvas, you should approach the artwork with a mind no different than a blank slate. Allow the artwork to bring out feelings and thoughts from the subconscious. Great enjoyment comes from looking at art and feeling surprised at what it brings out. Such an outcome is impossible when you maintain pre-established ideas about art.
You aren't enjoying the art when your mind defines it before you look at it. Instead, you are merely projecting your personal thoughts and opinions on the work. You aren't analyzing or experiencing what the artist creates. So, what's the difference between one work of art and another? If you are projecting, then there isn't anything different.
Art therapy continues to gain popularity among those looking to reduce stress. Creating artwork provides a possible way for someone to reduce anxiety and stress. Many therapists find value in art therapy, and proponents suggest making art isn't the only way to reduce stress. Viewing calming and aesthetically beautiful art can potentially calm the mind.
If you already have something in mind about a work of art, then you may drag things best left behind into the picture. That is, the things causing you stress may appear in the art. Those things might not indeed be there. The issue could be you don't want to let things go and aren't giving the artwork room to do its magic. Don't deny the benefits of the artwork by blocking it out. Empty the mind, and let the impressions of the art run its course in your conscious and subconscious mind. The mind should feel refreshed the same way the body may become after enjoying the Young Living Essential Oils experience. Make sure that you do whatever you can to have your mind clear for a better viewing experience.
Art movements sometimes receive unwarranted criticism. Abstract art, in particular, suffers from negative comments from people who don't see or understand the reasoning behind the chaotic images. They assume anyone can create abstract art. The assessment is not accurate. Outstanding abstract art does present a coherent theme within its chaos. Abstract art represents only one movement example of artwork dismissed out of hand unfairly. Don't let such judgmental attitudes influence you.
You are free to draw your own conclusions about a particular art movement. Let those conclusions truly beat your own, though. Avoid allowing others to influence your opinions absent viewing the artwork. You don't want to deny yourself the positive feelings of an art show or gallery exhibit because someone else negatively affected you.
Is there a way to keep yourself from viewing art in the wrong frame of mind? Perhaps you should strive to witness art with a clear, empty mind. Employ common tactics for de-stressing yourself. Employ deep breathing and counting down from 10 to 1 to calm racing thoughts. By clearing out the mind and not allowing negative feelings break through, you may find yourself enjoying art much more. And you could reap positive benefits from them.
Let today be the first day on your new journey to better appreciating art. Don't hold onto any past influences. Allow each experience to be a new one that embraces the artwork you come across. You'll probably enjoy everything much more.