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Art trend: coloring books

There are some things that get better with age, like cheese or wine. But one thing you probably didn't expect to also be on that list is coloring books. In the art world, there are constantly trends that pick up, evolve and become extremely popular. Here is what you need to know about the latest art craze, coloring books.

Blending the past and future
Coloring books are a very common activity for kids. They help children learn to follow directions by coloring in between the lines. In addition children are able to explore their creativity using different shades of the rainbow. Common coloring books offer various cartoons for all ages and genders, like Disney princesses or other cartoon characters. Most people put down coloring books in their youth and might not pick them back up until they have children themselves. However, according to a recent trend, more than just kids are picking this activity back up with what is called "adult coloring books."

What are coloring books for adults?
Coloring books for adults are exactly what they sound like. They are books filled with intricate drawings, shapes and pictures for adults to color. Some offer pictures of animals or nature, while other books might include up to 70 pages of extreme detail from a collaboration of artists. When you purchase Kohinoor woodless color pencils, a link for a variety of cool coloring pages is included with the purchase. In fact, these pictures are garnering so much attention that the National Post reported that in Canada, coloring books for adults are No. 9 on the top 10 of the "Most wished for" overall books on during a week in November.

Many people have tried to delve into why these are so popular. Some attribute it to our world's technological age. These books give adults who are constantly looking at media something to do with their hands for some old-fashioned fun and creativity. On the other hand, these books are said to reduce stress and offer a way for people to organize their thoughts and focus.

Artists take note
Regardless of what art medium you practice, there's always room to explore. If you're yearning to start a new project, look into the creation of adult (or child) coloring books. It could be a way for your to foster your creativity through a new artistic path. 

Or maybe you need something to keep you busy, too. Either way, hopping on the coloring book art trend could help you professionally, personally or both. 

Photo Credits:

Photo 1: Art material arrangement courtesy of Anglea Bleau

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